Page 37 of Fractured Vows
And so I don’t answer, knowing there is nothing I can say to fix this, only weather his rage, as Willow weathered mine. The difference is, I will never bow to Konnor Hennie.
“My brother shouldn’t have died today. It wasn’t his time. So, I want you to think of those you love. The ones closest to you, Gallo. Look into their eyes today, and tomorrow, and all the tomorrows to come. Every single one. Memorize their faces. Because one day I will take one from you. But like me you won’t know when, and it won’t be their time. One of them is already dead, I promise you.”
The call ends and the room falls into a different sort of silence, tinged with fear once more.
Chapter Fourteen
A Side Serving of Lust
“Now that you’ve returned to your husband, I will be leaving,” Diego says when he finds me in the kitchen.
It has only been a week since he almost died and he should not be moving around. Thalia rounds the corner, her features morphing into unadulterated rage when she sees him standing in the doorway.
“Do you have a death wish?” She glares.
I was going to ask the same thing.
“Not at all, Tiger,” he replies with a grin that showcases his ridiculous dimples. “But my work is done. Willow is safe and I need to return to my own life.”
“Not necessarily,” Rafe says as he also enters the kitchen.
What the hell is this? A family gathering? I only wanted a cup of coffee and now I find myself surrounded by every person under this roof it seems. Rafe places a kiss on my cheek before preparing some coffee for himself.
“Meaning?” I ask when no one else does.
“You have a fondness for Diego and he kept you alive and safe for those days when I couldn’t,” he supplies with a frown. “If he chooses to stay, he will be responsible for your personal security as well as assisting Dom with everything that needs to be done to get the Hernandez household in order. Selecting men who can be trusted to stay loyal to you and Roman when he comes of age and takes his rightful seat at the table.”
Glancing at Thalia and Diego, I see they are wearing the same shocked expression I am. Am I dreaming? Perhaps Rafe has started sampling his own drugs?
“Don’t look so shocked, wife. I’m working hard not to repeat the mistakes I made even if it goes against my nature.”
He walks out with his coffee, leaving the three of us to stare after him. Raphael Gallo trying to change? Who would have thought?
“I don’t care who you work for,” Thalia cuts through the silence. “You aren’t supposed to be out of bed. You could rip out your stitches.”
“Tiger,” Diego starts but she cuts him off.
“Fuck off, Diego. I barely kept you alive the first time. I’m not sure I can do it again. Go back to bed and stay there. Make plans to leave in two weeks if that’s what you want or take Rafe up on his offer. I don’t care. But you’re not going anywhere now.”
She goes to stomp past him but Diego stops her with a hand wrapped around her wrist. Her gaze snaps from his hand to his face and back again.
“Thank you, Tiger,” he says lowly. “I owe you a life debt and I fully intend to repay it.”
“I was only doing my job.”
“That makes no difference to me. I will give you back the life that was taken from you.”
A slash of pain crosses her features and I feel like I am seeing something that isn’t meant for me. As if this is a private moment only meant for the two of them. I feel like an interloper but for the life of me I can’t pull my gaze from them.
“No one can do that,” Thalia replies brokenly before leaving the kitchen.
Diego follows her with his gaze but my focus is on Dom and the pure unfiltered rage he is working so damn hard to hide. At least now I know who the woman is that Rafe was talking about. Interesting. I never would have guessed he had a thing for the pixie-like healer.
“Go to bed, Diego.” Taking a sip of my coffee I watch him frown. “Think of what Rafe is offering, and heal. You can leave once Thalia no longer thinks you’re in danger of killing yourself.”
Diego chuckles before grabbing his side. “Don’t make me laugh,” he wheezes. “I am always almost about to get myself killed.”