Page 63 of Fractured Vows
“It’s my birthday. I’ll do whatever I want,” I sass, stretching out beneath the covers.
“That may be true but your husband has sent me here to take you out,” Thalia replies.
“Yes. Apparently you need a new dress.”
“For fuck’s sake,” I mumble, swinging my legs off the bed and walking into the closet. “I have tons of clothes I have never even worn.”
Getting dressed in a navy pantsuit, I hurry through the motions, knowing I don’t really have a choice in the matter either way. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can relax.
Making my way downstairs, I find Thalia and Regina so we can leave.
“Take Sonja with you,” Rafe says before we walk out the front door.
“While we may have been living in peace these last weeks that doesn’t mean it’s safe,” he replies. “And I don’t want to think of Diego with you, shopping.”
“Are you jealous, Husband?”
I only wanted to poke a little fun at him but his eyes are stormy when he reaches me.
“Yes,” he replies, honesty shining through in his tone. “I am very possessive and the thought of any other man imagining you naked is enough to have me reaching for my gun.”
Leaning up on my toes, I place a kiss on this chin. “Does that mean you aren’t jealous of women?”
Grabbing my ponytail he tilts my head back, staring into my eyes.
“I will kill anyone who thinks to take you from me.”
His lips slam down on mine. My body bows to mold against his and I want to rub against him like a fucking cat. It’s insane that only the slightest touch from him can send my hormones soaring. I always thought I was in control of my libido. How wrong I have been.
Breaking the kiss, Rafe leans to the side to whisper in my ear. “I wouldn’t be opposed to watching another woman eat your pussy, though.”
Jesus fucking wept. My cunt spasms at the simple thought his dirty words conjure, Sonja’s angular features springing to mind.
“Go get a pretty dress, Wife,” he says, releasing me before landing a smack on my ass. “I’ll see you later.”
In somewhat of a daze, I walk out, descend the stairs, and fall into the luxurious back seat of the black SUV that is waiting to whisk us away.
A woman? I’ve never even considered it but now I can’t get the thought out of my mind.
“How do you let him do that?” Thalia asks. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude or pry, but he always seems so rough with you.”
I stare at her, assessing her words. Thalia has been through a lot in her life and I know she is just trying to understand. I know she was trafficked and raped for a long time.
“It’s different,” I say carefully. “Yes, Rafe is brutal and sometimes a little rough but he will never hurt me.”
“I can’t imagine allowing a man to treat me that way. I wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
She is probably right. The trauma of what she has been put through has broken something inside her. Sadness creeps into my heart at the thought.
“Rafe was my first. Every sexual experience I have ever had has been with him. Some women wouldn’t enjoy what he does but I do. It takes a level of trust to let him take the lead and know that whatever he decides to do will be for my pleasure. He hasn’t let me down yet.”
Thalia nods, mulling my words over before she speaks. “Do you think Dom would be the same?”
“Yes,” Regina and I say at the same time.