Page 18 of Slower
Unfortunately, not all teachers understand the concept of completing things early. The professor would rather waste both of our times by making me sit through lectures and group discussions.
I pull into a spot near the front, then shut the car off. When I turn to Corrin, he’s pointedly looking out the window.
It’s a wonder the man ever dates at all. He’s a nervous mess now that we’ve shared a singular intimate moment.
And it wasn’t anything more than a kiss.
Kisses aren’t a big deal. Or at least I didn’t think they were.
Tennyson kisses like he’s trying to get a degree in it. I’ve watched women flit in and out of his sphere for ages. It’s nothing for him to kiss more than one in a single night.
I guess I thought Corrin would be the same since they’re best friends.
Foolish of me.
Besides, Corrin is bi. I don’t want to make any assumptions on how different pairings of relationships work. It could be completely different.
It felt completely different.
“Austen.” His tone indicates this isn’t the first time he said my name.
I focus back on him. “Yes, Corrin?”
“I asked if you’re ready. I’m going to come around to open your door, but I didn’t want to let the cold in if you need a minute.”
“Umm, shouldn’t I come open your door?”
He shook his head. “Nope. I’m making the rules up, and I say I get to open your door.”
Seems weird but I go with it. He’s more into the dating scene than I ever have been. He knows the best way to do all this… stuff.
Unbuckling the belt, I turn to face him. “I’m ready when you are. Let’s do this.”
He gives me a gentle smile, then exits the car as he said he would. As I wait, I take in the students around campus. It’s not super busy this early, but there are enough of them that news of this will spread in an instant. Especially since Corrin has decided to forgo any type of hat or sunglasses — his normal camouflage.
When he opens my door, he reaches his hand out for me to hold. I ease from the driver's seat and then open the back for my bag. As soon as it’s within reach, he tries to tug it free.
“What are you doing?” I ask firmly.
“If we’re dating, then I would carry your stuff. That makes sense.”
I shake my head at him. “There are no strict rules like that. Besides, I don’t want you to have to carry anything for me. Let me hold you and show you off. The bag will get in the way.”
He relents at my words. I toss my bag over my shoulder, then lock up the car and hand over the keys.
Only belatedly do I realize I haven’t asked one important question.
“You do know how to drive in the snow, right?”
He jolts. “I do. Want to see my I.D.?”
“What proof would your I.D. give? It doesn’t tell me where you’ve driven. I need to know you’ll be safe while out on the roads today.”
My gut clenches at the notion of him getting hurt or being stranded if the weather takes a turn. I don’t want that to happen, especially not when I suggested he take the car out.
His hand on my shoulder pulls me from the dark thoughts.
“I promise that I’m experienced enough to take care of the car and myself for the day. I only have one stop to make before going back. Silly me forgot a guitar, so I need to pick one up. After that, I’ll be home all day until you get off work.”