Page 20 of Slower
And my favorite —
“Why was that so hot? Ugh, I need a fan or something. I’m not ok.”
Same, random girl. Same.
School flies by like it usually does. I keep my focus on the classwork despite the ache I feel in my jeans. I would love to figure out what the hell it all means, but work won’t give me more than two seconds to myself.
Evan is beside himself over the arrival of Mr. Miguel Stryker, the owner and apparently a tyrant, based on how my boss is acting. It’s concerning given I thought this company was amazing when I researched where I wanted to fill my internship requirements last year.
After weeks of poring over websites and job postings, I gave myself to this company in hopes it could prove to be a more long-term gig. Evan’s making me regret the choice.
“Can you run down to get some coffee, Austen? We need it in the conference room.” Evan doesn’t tell me anything else about the coffee order before turning to practically run in the direction of the aforementioned room.
Taking a stab at it, I order a variety of drinks from the barista downstairs. The young girl gives me the tray of drinks and wishes me luck as I venture back to the elevator.
I’m almost there when the doors start to close. Rather than call out for help, I let my head fall back on a groan.
“No need for all that,” a voice says from beside me. I drop my gaze to see a young man grinning over at me. He’s shorter than me by several inches, which explains why I didn’t spot him on my journey to the elevators.
“I’m sorry?”
The guy chuckles. “And now you’re apologizing. None of that. Let me help you get these.”
He snatches one of the trays from me before pressing the button to call the car. It’s not every day I’m pushed around by others so easily. Nor do I usually get so distracted.
I’m unsure what the cause is.
The word echoes through my mind, tugging at my memories of the morning and the night before like a glowing red neon sign. It reads ‘here’s your problem’ and ‘get it together.’
“Geesh! Finally. I swear they make these buildings so ridiculously large just to teach us patience with the elevators. What floor are you on?”
I tell him, then watch as he presses the number. As soon as it lights up and the doors close, he’s talking again. It’s mostly random stuff like how the weather is different here than back home and how he really wasn’t in the mood to come on this trip, but he couldn’t miss it.
At my floor, I move to take the tray from him, but he won’t have it.
“I’m going this way anyhow. Let me help.”
With a nod his way, I do as he says. We walk side by side down the hall and to the conference room.
“This is me,” I tell him, hand extended for the drinks.
He raises his brow. “Ironic, since this is also me.”
Before he can say another word, the door opens, and Evan gives me a panicked look. “You’re back! Thank God. Help.”
Mr. Unknown beside me shakes his head at the exchange, then follows me inside when I trail after Evan. He doesn’t speak to me, though he does return the coffee tray after plucking one of the labeled cappuccinos for himself.
I’m about to tell Evan about the drinks when I notice movement from the corner of my eye. Mr. Unknown makes his way around the long table to a man seated at the far end. The two of them make eyes at each other much the way my brother does when he’s on the prowl for a one-night stand.
Curiosity keeps me focused on the pair up until the moment they connect. The guy from the elevator climbs into the other man's lap without a moment’s hesitation. It’s like the movement is so natural and something they always do.
“Now that my husband is here, let’s start the meeting,” the larger guy calls out to the room.
Evan squeaks like a small timid creature before whispering to me, “That’s him. That’s Stryker.”
The pieces click then.