Page 24 of Slower
It’s the perfect moment to ask if he likes the band. Even so, I hesitate to push the fact. We’re already tangled up enough in each other’s business. Add to it my real desire to claim him as my boyfriend without the fake aspect, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
Instead, I go with, “Guess I’m about to find out. Hopefully, it doesn’t put any more work on you.”
“I wouldn’t mind it much. This internship is for my college credit, yes, but it’s also to establish me somewhere for post-graduation. I would like to have connections lined up to allow me a place in the business sector.”
Is it weird to get turned on by his dedication to his future? Like a five-year plan shouldn’t make my balls ache, right?
Ugh. I’m a mess.
“That’s cool. I’m sure they love you there.”
Austen throws me a sideways glance that I ignore. The drive to the office is quiet now that we’ve gotten the small talk out of the way. And with the radio on some classical station, I can’t even hint at his interest in Loveless. Sure, I said I wouldn’t prod, but the guy could have given me a chance to appreciate it in person. Maybe some car lip syncing to bolster my suspicions.
When we reach the floor Austen works on, he escorts me to his boss’s office. Evan is just as harried as he was the night before.
“Mr. Ray! You’re here. Of course you are. And Austen! This is great. You’re both here.”
“Well, yes, Evan. We’re here because of my meeting. And the fact that we live together. That helps.” I drop the last part casually, like I’m not giving him some of the best gossip in town. He could probably go to TMZ and sell it for a few grand if he wanted. Maybe more if he pulled security footage of us together.
“Oh. Ok. That’s… neat.” Evan scrunches his face, his reply clearly not what he meant.
Before any of us can speak up to fill the void of conversation, Miguel Stryker rounds the corner. “Corrin! I’m so glad you could come. Let’s go down to the conference room for a bit. Evan. Austen. I’ll ring if we need anything.”
We leave the pair of men — Evan gaping in surprise and Austen with an amused look — as we take off to the private room. Miguel doesn’t say a word, though his rushed steps make me believe there is a time sensitive connection to my arrival.
Inside the conference space, he closes us inside and sags against the door. “Thank fuck. Ugh, I was getting tired of the pomp of it all.”
I blink twice as I fight to grasp what’s happening.
“Excuse me? I’m confused.”
Miguel grins at me. It’s then I can see the cunning businessman beneath the quiet exterior he’s presented so far.
“Sorry about that. This trip has been chaotic, and I’m just happy to have a moment of peace. I kind of got lucky that you showed up here. I was hoping to find a way to connect in the next few months anyway.”
“What about? I have to admit I’m more than a little curious about what you want to talk about.”
He motions for me to have a seat. I do, then he takes one right beside me. His chair swivels, then his leg crosses over his knee and he leans back. It’s all so casual and unhurried. Miguel is unbothered by time here, and he wants me to know it.
“How do you feel about your label, Corrin?”
I freeze at the question. “I feel fine.”
Hands raised; he smiles at me as if trying to reassure my frosty tone. “I’m not a spy, nor do I have any intent to pass this information along to anyone. I’m trying to see if my suspicions are correct.”
“My label is good at selling records. Though I’m not sure if it’s them so much anymore as it is the band itself. They're currently pissed at me for not producing an album quick enough, even though I just wrapped up a massive tour. I’d love to have more time to work on the music to ensure it’s exactly right, but I’m not sure I’ll get it. Overall, there’s just too much pressure. It’s like fast fashion, but with music.”
Miguel’s lips tip up slowly, his smile growing with each second that I speak. “I’m not happy you’re dealing with this, trust me. I’m just glad to see a bit of unrest in you. If you’d been uncaring of it all, I’d be worried about you as a whole.”
“Why are you so curious? What is Stryker Global up to?”
“Nothing that I can say on record, technically.” He leans forward and motions for me to do the same. “Off the record is a different story. I’d tell you not to worry about your album and timelines because you’ll have all the time you need. The company will be restructuring a bit, which will give you the breathing room you deserve. I’d also tell you to get ready to be the face of the music since everything they did before will look like child’s play compared to an SG campaign.”
I drop back in the seat as if he’s scalded me. His words replay in my head over and over, sinking deeper into me with every pass.
“You’re going to…”
“Not officially, of course. Can’t say anything until the paperwork is done. Would you like to be there when I announce it? Maybe tell the world Loveless is taking a vacation to produce some new music?”