Page 41 of Slower
Pulling back, I press kisses along his length. “Does it matter if you come though? You know, since I’m the one who has to stay hard.”
Corrin’s eyes roll back. “I can’t… you’re right… but come together… you sex god…”
He mutters the words at the ceiling, but I get the gist. Plus, he says I’m right, so that’s all I need to know.
Slipping him back between my lips is much easier now. I close my eyes and let myself enjoy the feel of him. Plus, I worry any more eye contact might just kill him.
I move in a steady, unhurried pace to keep him on the edge for a couple more minutes. Not because I’m trying to be mean or anything. I just feel like ending it too soon isn’t fair. I want to be the best he’s ever had. The best he’ll ever have.
When I feel his hand grab my hair, I press as far down as I can. My nose meets the curls of hair at the base of his cock as his crown presses against the back of my throat. I swallow, partly to give him more room and also because I want more of his taste.
Corrin grunts. Interesting.
Needing to test the theory like the good student I am, I swallow again. More grunting comes, so I repeat the motion over and over as fast as I can. I’m nearly gagging, but it’s worth it when I feel his length swell.
“Fuuuckkkkkkkk,” he shouts. “Baby, baby, baby, baby…”
He comes hard and fast, his cum splashing down my throat with each swallow. It’s almost too much for me to handle, but I persevere through it for no other reason than I’m a stubborn person when I want to be.
I pull back once I know he’s spent. “Time to get on the bed, love. We need to work out how to get this inside of you.”
His eyes move down to my still hard cock. Pre-cum leaks from the crown, and Corrin licks his lips.
“Prep. It’s called prep, and it won’t be too hard. I finger myself a lot in the shower these days.”
The visual of him playing in the shower back home instantly fills my mind. I don’t even know the logistics of what he uses or how, yet the visual is as real as if I were watching him do it now.
“I want to watch this process sometime. For now, just tell me what I need to do.” I push him further up the bed as I prowl forward over him.
Corrin crawls backward up the pillows. “There’s lube in the drawer over there. Grab it.”
Thankfully, we’d both gotten tested before the trip. Mine was more a formality than his given my lack of experience. Both results came back to say we were safe to avoid needing any protection.
Lube retrieved; I climb over him with bottle uncapped. “Now what?”
I kind of hate having to ask him again and again what to do next. It makes me feel stupid that I didn’t research this more. It’s not really my style to go into something so unprepared.
But this is different.
I have no desire to watch other men having sex, so porn wasn’t an option. Tennyson is straight, so while he understands anal, I can’t exactly get the right perspective. That left Uncle Kelvin, which was a ‘hell no’ or Bailey, also a ‘not a chance’ type of thing.
So now I hover over the man who has me all tangled up emotionally as I wait for further instruction.
“Do you want to watch me prep or would you like to do it? I’m good either way.” There’s a sated sort of energy to Corrin now that he’s come. He’s happy and lazy, just how I want him to always be.
“I want to,” I answer honestly.
“Then you’ll need to put some lube on your fingers and on me. Let’s start one at a time. You’ll ease inside, paying attention when I tell you move or don’t.” He tugs on the pillows behind him until he’s in a more comfortable position. Then he lifts one leg and hooks his elbow under it. His other hand cups under his balls to move them out of the way.
The movements reveal his hole, all pink and puckered. I feel drawn to the space, curiosity and need leading me to investigate.
I pour lube blindly like he instructed me to before shifting closer. I run my finger around the rim, the rub giving everything a shine.
Pressing against the pressure, I ease one finger into him. It’s an achingly slow process on my end, even though it takes less than a minute. Once I’m settled, Corrin instructs me to pump in and out. Within seconds, he’s demanding for more.
“Add another finger. Please,” he whimpers. “Need to stretch. You’re so thick.”
I follow his orders, adding finger after finger until I could probably fist him. Not that I’m interested in that right now. My main concern is making him feel good with my cock. That’s what he wants most. What I want. Time to make us both happy.