Page 48 of Slower
Miguel leans forward, his gaze curious. Tenn matches the pose, though he’s more amused than anything.
Once he has their full attention, Corrin takes a deep breath. “I finished the album. We can move into the next stage where the band comes in to layer the music. I don’t know how you feel about producers, but I’ve got a few in mind who would fit this.”
“That’s fantastic news! Let’s get the names of who you’re thinking,” Miguel says, eyes bright. “I’m letting you lead on this, Corrin. Your next album is your brainchild. You’ll get full writing credit and anything else that comes along the way.”
I can feel the relief pouring from my boyfriend now that he’s shared his news. “Since the exciting part is over, can we get on with the boring parts?”
Miguel chuckles and waves me over. “You have the papers from the lawyers?”
“I do, along with all the other documentation. I took the liberty of working some numbers based off the data so you could see what the most viable department is. Some of what SoulSource considered business was actually the old guys funneling money into their pockets.”
“Figures,” Tenn scoffs. “No offense, of course.”
“None taken. I like to think Stryker Global takes a different approach. While I do have an epic fuckton of money, I donate loads of it and what I don’t spread around, I invest in ways to make jobs for others. Me staying successful keeps thousands of people employed so they can provide for their families.”
Corrin grins. “Which is why I’m really glad it was you who bought out the record label. That’s the attitude I’ve been hoping to find in a partnership.”
I pass out the papers to everyone around the table, then I dive into a briefing of the material. It takes nearly an hour to go over it all so that everyone is satisfied. We bring in the lawyers at the end to watch it all get signed, and that’s that. Corrin Ray, Loveless, and Stryker Global — the dynamic trio set to change the music industry.
“I’d like to keep you for another minute or two if you don’t mind, Austen,” Miguel says when I move to stand.
Looking at my brother and my boyfriend, I give them a nod to go ahead. “I’ll be right out.”
“Actually, you can both stay. It’s nothing confidential. Not really.” The man across from me pulls an envelope from his suit pocket, then slides it across the table.
It takes everything in me to calmly open the envelope. When I unfold the message inside, I send up a thanks to the universe that I’m sitting down. There’s no way my legs would have held me up.
“You’re serious?” I ask.
“Very much so. We’d love to have you on the team too. For real this time. You’ve gone above and beyond with SoulSource's help. I know an asset when I find one. You, Austen Page, are an asset that I intend to keep.”
“No fucking way! You got a job offer?” Corrin leans over to look at the paper in my hand. I pass it to him as Tenn joins in to read it.
“Damn, little brother. You’re getting a nice signing bonus. I’m a little jealous.”
Miguel shakes his head. “I gave him a signing bonus because I’m hoping he’ll agree to be the personal tour coordinator for Loveless’s next tour.”
Time comes to a stop as I register what he just said. “You want me to be the… tour coordinator? Like for the whole tour?”
“I do. Please know you’d have a team, of course. This wouldn’t be something one person could do alone.”
“But I’m just an intern,” I argue.
Corrin laughs at that. When I face him, he’s smiling so big, I know his cheeks have to hurt. “You were never just an intern, baby. The number of hours you put in, the ideas you’ve volunteered — all proof you’re vital to the company. Miguel would have been a fool to let you slip away.”
“I agree. Even if I’m a little jealous you’re going on tour with my best friend.” Tennyson folds his arms and pouts. He looks a lot like Star with the move.
“You’re his manager, so you’re going too. I figured you’d put two and two together.”
“Tennyson was never good at math.” I grin as I make the jab.
My brother gasps dramatically like he’s a Victorian woman scandalized by my words. “I believe that’s what a CALCULATOR is for. Geesh.”
“Well, as great as this is, I do have another meeting to get to while here in town. A present for Aiden since he refused to let me buy it last time we were here.”
There’s a twinkle in the man’s eye. I have no doubt whatever he’s going to purchase is large and expensive. And that in the end, Aiden will forgive him for it because they love each other.
He leaves us with instructions to go celebrate the news since the workday is over. We’re quiet as he leaves, then we loudly cheer the minute he’s out the door. I’m wrapped up in a group hug, which basically becomes a Corrin sandwich since my boyfriend is so tiny.