Page 51 of Slower
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks.
I shrug. “How was I supposed to?”
“How about ‘hey baby, you know how I’ve been working on a super-secret album? Yeah, it’s totally about you’ or something like that,” Tennyson tosses out.
Austen points at his brother. “For once, he’s actually right!”
“Hey! I… well, I don’t know if I’m offended, but I feel like I should be.”
The group breaks into laughter at his confusion.
“I promise to tell you I’m writing an album about you next time. Deal?” I hold out my hand.
“Deal.” Austen shakes my hand, then pulls me to stand with him. “How does it feel to know you’ll never top this? It will take a lot to do better than this.”
“Oh, really? I accept that challenge.”
Epilogue II
Tour life is absolutely feral.
There's not a day that goes by where something doesn’t break, or someone needs to see a doctor, or we have a tech issue. The list goes on and on. It’s rare for me to get more than a few moments of peace, even with a team to help me.
Not that I mind it much. While, yeah, it’s not what I’m used to, I find myself thriving in this new world. Some of it could be thanks to the man at the center of it all.
Corrin Ray makes every single day worth it.
When he’s not being his rockstar self—singing to millions of fans or awkwardly signing boobs backstage—he’s working to keep the title of world’s greatest boyfriend. He earned it with the secret love album, and he’s kept at it with every new thing he’s thrown my way.
I might have been mostly joking when I challenged him all those months ago, but he wasn’t. Whether it’s making sure I have my favorite food on the tour bus, or telling people he’s unavailable so we can actually spend time together, he’s showing up for us every single day.
“Who's ready to party tonight?” Corrin’s voice rings out in the massive stadium. We’re on the last night of the American leg of the tour. Tomorrow, we catch flights across the ocean to start in Europe, then Asia, and finally Australia. It’s the biggest world tour ever, according to all the news outlets.
And while some might be exhausted, my man is thriving. He’s never been happier since SoulSource got bought out.
“Austen.” Tennyson shouts my name from the side of the stage.
Rushing over, I weave around people with my clipboard. “What is it? You’re supposed to be in back prepping for the meet and greet.”
He shakes his head. “Corrin forgot his lucky pick. He can’t play without it.”
I glance around, searching for any of the tech guys who can go out there to hand it off. It’s their job to ensure this type of stuff doesn’t happen. Surely one of them can fix it.
Somehow, I can’t find a single one. I know all of them by name, and yet, they’re all MIA.
Yanking the pick from his hand, I motion for him to go. “You’ve got work to do, mister. Don’t think you can take tonight off just because we’re almost at the end.”
Tenn raises his hands innocently, though his smirking face ruins the illusion. “I’ll do what I’m supposed to. Just don’t trip over anything as you head out.”
I nod, then tuck my clipboard close to my chest as I rush out onto the stage. Corrin is still chatting up the crowd, which they love, of course. Their screams only grow the more he teases them without playing a song.
My size makes me easy to spot even with a personality as big as my boyfriend’s. The crowd loses it as I close in on Corrin. He looks around curiously, then turns my way. His smile grows even wider.
“Hey, you,” he says into the mic. “What a lovely surprise!”
I shake my head at him, then extend the pick for him to grab. “Forgot this?”