Page 14 of Wanting Mrs. Clarke
Kate wandered over to the bar just off the lobby and ordered a glass of Chardonnay. That had to be the least likely option. They’d left on good terms, and whatever was going on in Hollis’s life right now, Kate just couldn’t see her regretting the night they’d spent together.
She slid onto a bar stool while she waited for her drink, running a hand through her hair, trying not to be nervous. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. There was no point trying to guess what that would be.
“Is this seat taken?” The familiar voice came from behind her a few moments later, and a shiver chased up Kate’s spine.
A wave of desire came over her just at the sound of Hollis’s voice. She’d heard so many different versions of it, all of them already eliciting a multitude of reactions from her body, and when she turned to meet Hollis’s eyes, she couldn’t have prepared herself for the physical reaction she would have. Her heart was fluttering while her stomach did somersaults.
“No,” Kate managed with a smile coming to her lips as she took Hollis in. Her hair had a few more waves in it, falling across her shoulders. Her white tank top showed off her tan and toned arms, and her navy shorts cut off in the middle of her thighs. Kate resisted the urge to reach out and run her hand over her smooth skin.
“I think this is exactly where we met yesterday,” Hollis said, flashing her a warm smile before she turned to catch the bartender’s attention. “Are you okay for a drink?”
Kate nodded. “It’s on the way.” She wet her lips, willing herself to keep it together, because she felt the full force of what Lexi had said to her this morning, that Hollis was so far out of her league.
But she was here, sitting beside her. That had to count for something.
“What did you get up to today?” Hollis asked, giving Kate her attention again, and Kate struggled not to get lost in her gray blue eyes.
“I slept.” Kate’s lips slid into an easy smile. “I’m only just up.”
“Sorry. That wasn’t a great question since that’s exactly how I spent my day, although I’ve been down here for about an hour. Hoping to bump into you,” she added after a second.
Kate held her gaze, and Hollis reached across the few inches between them to rest her hand above Kate’s knee. That simple touch brought every memory from last night to the front of her mind. She had to be blushing as she remembered the way Hollis’s warm palm had slid up her thigh as she gently parted Kate’s legs. The bartender returned with their drinks, breaking the spell that Kate seemed to have fallen under, and then Hollis’s hand was gone. Kate took a much needed drink.
“I was hoping to see you too,” Kate said, wondering where all of her confidence had gone.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.” Kate took another sip, the crisp white wine so refreshing.
“How old are you?”
Kate looked away for a second, almost surprised that this hadn’t come up last night. “I’m twenty-six.”
Hollis’s expression was unreadable as she reached for her glass of red wine.
Kate’s heart beat faster, waiting for her to say something. She didn’t want to outright ask Hollis what her age was, but maybe she’d have to.
Hollis gently placed her glass on the bar, before sliding her fingers through her hair and propping her elbow up on the bar, her gaze settling on Kate. “I was hoping you’d say at least thirty,” she said with a slow smile.
Kate’s eyes searched hers. There were so many things she wanted to ask. Was Hollis curious about her age because she was wondering if this would work in real life? Could Hollis see them together despite their age difference?
“I’m forty-four,” Hollis said, her eyes still locked on Kate.“In case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t, but what I am wondering is why you wanted to know.”
“As in, if I’m thinking beyond this weekend?”
Kate took a sip of wine before putting her glass down. “I don’t know. You tell me.” She managed to keep her voice steady while her heart was hammering in her chest.
“My life is extremely complicated right now,” Hollis said, finally breaking their eye contact as she sat up straight, her fingers sliding out of her hair. “I’m not sure what I have to offer you, but I also can’t ignore the way I felt last night. Maybe, it wasn’t as intense for you–”
“It was. Not for the same reasons maybe, but it definitely was.”
Hollis was looking at her with such a sultry gaze. At what point could Kate suggest they go back upstairs? Because she was having trouble thinking of anything but getting Hollis out of those clothes.
Hollis exhaled softly. “I’m a realist. I like to set the right expectations, and I like to be in control.”
“I know,” Kate interrupted with a smirk on her lips.