Page 25 of Wanting Mrs. Clarke
Kate picked up some food on the way home and then took a long, hot shower in an attempt to wind down after a long day at work and the completely unexpected evening she’d just had. When she left Lexi and Ash at the restaurant, Kate knew she’d had a goofy grin on her face, but why wouldn’t she? The woman she’d spent the last seven months thinking about still wanted her.
Kate slid on her black pajama shorts and matching tank top and padded into the living room. She stretched out on the couch knowing that she was not going to sleep if she went to bed. She’d find a rom-com to watch or maybe a horror. She wasn’t sure what she was in the mood for. She kind of still wanted to bask in this feeling for a little while longer, because she’d just started to come to terms with the idea that nothing would ever happen with Hollis. That she’d never even get to see her again.
She reached for her phone and started typing out a text. She wasn’t going to wait around for Hollis to make the first move again. If this was what they both wanted, then there was no point waiting. And Kate couldn’t handle the idea of Hollis backtracking. If a week went by and Kate sent a text then, would Hollis respond?
Kate needed to catch Hollis while she was still fresh in her mind, and if she felt even a fraction of what Kate was feeling right now, Hollis would reply.
She stopped and started typing a few times before deleting the entire message and starting over.
I was embarrassed to admit to Jen how I ended up at Silver Tides tonight, but right now I couldn’t care. I’m just happy that I got to see you again.
Kate stared at the screen, inhaling a sharp breath before pressing send and sliding the phone back onto the coffee table and out of reach. It was done, and she wasn’t expecting anything tonight. Hollis might still be at the restaurant or getting ready for bed. Her stomach churned. Would she be in bed with her husband right now when Kate was texting her? That thought brought a strange mix of jealousy and disappointment.
Never did she think she’d be involved with a married woman. It just wasn’t something that she even thought she’d be capable of doing, and part of her wanted to reason that this wasn’t that. Hollis wasn’t happy. She didn’t have kids. And apparently, her husband cheats on her. Kate wasn’t exactly wrecking a happy home, but it still felt so wrong.
She blew out a breath. She just had to figure out a way to make these next few weeks or months work, for both of them. Kate had to accept that this wasn’t the ideal situation to be in but also that it wasn’t forever. Hollis was actually getting a divorce. It wasn’t all talk. And if up until Hollis found somewhere else to live, she slept in the same bed as her husband, Kate would have to live with that.
Before she had a chance to spiral, her phone chimed, and she was reaching for it straight away. With shaking fingers, she opened the message.
I still can’t believe that happened. It feels a bit like a dream, but then again so did our first meeting.
I wish you hadn’t left.
Kate smiled.
I crashed your party. I had to go. Plus I really wasn’t dressed for the occasion.
You looked amazing and it wasn’t my party but I’m so glad you crashed it.
Me too.
As Kate thought about what to say next, another message popped up on her screen.
Are you home?
Kate’s heart started to race.
Can I come over?
Kate sucked in a breath.