Page 33 of Shot at Love
“I hear you were bothering Kassie the other night at Kaden’s,” Sam said, with a disapproving look.
“Not bothering, just talking.” Luc took a sip of the cold beer.
“And at the club?”
“How did you— Oh. JJ.” Figures.
“Yeah. JJ likes to talk, but I told him to keep it to himself if he has any hopes of playing with the big dawgs. K-man won’t take very kindly to his spreading that kind of stuff around. I think it’s safe to say it stopped with me.”
“JJ is a good kid, but probably best not to piss K-man off, just in case.”
“I thought you were going to let this go, for your own good.” Sam revisited his first thought. “She’s Kaden’s sister.”
“I told you, I am.”
“Yet you were at Mario’s with your hands all over her? You’re not very smart, dude.”
“My hands weren’t all over her.” Maybe they were, but Sam didn’t need to know that. “I saw she was there, and she was drinking a little too much. So, I kept an eye on her as a favor to Kaden. When I saw some guys getting a little too friendly, I acted. Then I made sure she got home safely. Is that a crime?”
“No.” The unchanged look on Sam’s face wasn’t very convincing.
“See, there’s no problem.” Luc sat back in his chair, relaxed and pleased with himself.
Sam shook his head slowly. “Not buying it. You forget how well I know you, Marcella. You’ve taken more of an interest in her than you do in anything. I hope you realize this can’t go anywhere.”
Luc sighed. “I’m just hanging out and having fun. I won’t do anything stupid.” He wanted to add, “I promise,” but even he knew better than to make a promise he couldn’t keep.
“And I don’t believe you one bit. What’s your real angle here?”
“No angle. I like her. She’s fun, she has spunk. She’s not out looking for status; she’s happy being herself.”
“What exactly is going on in that brain of yours?”
“The usual.” Luc flashed a smirk.
Sam groaned. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
“You worry too much, Morris.”
“What are we worrying about?” Trina wobbled into the dining room.
“Luc’s new love interest.”
“Oh?” Trina cocked an eyebrow at Luc. “What’s wrong with her?”
“Absolutely nothing,” Luc said, his chest puffed out.
“She must be special, because you are beaming, Mr. Rock-Star,” Trina said with a laugh.
Sam let out a loud laugh. “Too bad she doesn’t know about it yet!”
“Aw, are you in love from afar?” Trina stood next to Luc and put her arm around him. “That’s so cute.”
“Babe, you shouldn’t encourage him,” Sam joked.
“If you want any help with this girl, you just let me know, Luc,” Trina offered.
“Nope. He doesn’t need any help with this one. He just needs to keep looking.” Sam shot him an annoyed look.