Page 36 of Shot at Love
The french fries arrived, and she dug in, shoving three into her mouth. But her efforts to have him find her unappealing seemed to backfire when he only grinned wider. He took a fry, popped it into his mouth, and leaned back in his seat.
“You like to dance. We should go dancing some night.”
“You and me?”
“Sure. Why not?”
“Why not? My brother.”
“Well, we could ask him to go too, but I don’t think he will. He seems a bit uptight for dancing. But we could ask your friend, Quinn, and maybe JJ or Travis. They seemed to get along really well.”
Luckily for Kassie, she hadn’t heard exactly how well the three of them got along the other night. She watched his expression. He wasn’t joking. “Let me think about it.”
“Okay.” He grabbed another french fry. “We could go go-carting again?”
She looked at him with as much confusion as she could. “You’re serious?”
“Yeah, why not? You busy after this? We could go do something fun. Or are you scared? Maybe you secretly have a crush on me and can’t stand the thought of spending the day with me. It makes you all nervous or something.” He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I can understand that.”
“No! I mean, no. You’re delusional. Or just cocky. Not every woman in the world has a crush on you.”
“So that’s a yes to hanging out this afternoon?”
He had her stuck between a rock and a hard place. No way was she admitting he made her nervous. What was she supposed to say?
Luc knew he had her in a quandary. If she said no, it’d look like she had the hots for him. But if she said yes, she’d have to spend the afternoon with him. Either way, the outcome would be in his favor; he couldn’t lose. And in the end, she agreed. But only if they went bowling. Honestly, he didn’t care what they did; he just wanted to get to know her a little better.
Luc stepped up to the lane and grabbed his bowling ball. Getting into position, he focused on the pins. Blocking out the other noise, he marched up to the line and tossed the ball with great concentration. He could hear Kassie trash-talking in the background, but he stood watching the ball as it moved towards the pins. Then he watched them fall, one by one.
“Strike!” Luc did his goal celebration, pumping his fist in the air.
“All right tough guy, I can do that, too.” Kassie stepped up to the lane, passing by Luc.
He squeezed by her as she reached for the pink bowling ball. Their bodies almost brushed against one another. Luc felt the tension between them, the pure heat pouring off her. They were as close as two people could be without touching. Luc paused, taking the chance to glance right into her eyes. They were cocoa brown with a swirl of amber through them, and were half lidded as she took a quick peek at his lips, before her eyes met his again.
Yeah, she was into him. There was not a doubt in his mind. And because she never ran away from him, or shied away from his flirtation or advances, he felt it necessary to continue. Maybe he’d get her to slip up and show her true colors, even more than grinding up on him the other night at Mario’s. At any rate, he enjoyed the challenge.
“Hey, hockey boy! It’s your turn. If you’re done with your daydreaming,” Kassie called. She grabbed her pop and plopped down in a seat.
Little did she know that she was his daydream.
She sighed and fanned herself. “I never realized how much work bowling was. I should’ve suggested we just go for a walk.” Her scarf was now on the seat beside her. She mumbled something before pulling the light-colored sweater over her head, exposing a tank top of the same color.
He didn’t know what to expect under that sweater, but this worked. It was very rare that a guy hated watching a girl take off her shirt, even if there was a tank top under there. Kassie was always so put together and matched.
“Are you going to bowl?” Kassie broke through his focus on her.
Luc shrugged, trying to look calm and in control. He stepped forward and picked up his bowling ball. Cradling the ball, he lined up his shot, then strolled up to the line. He effortlessly swung the ball, directing it down the center of the lane.
Turning around to face Kassie, he walked back to the seats without watching what was happening down at the pins. All he had to do was hear the pins go down to know he’d gotten yet another strike, and he fist pumped in celebration.
“I should’ve known you’d be good at bowling, too.” She pouted. “Well, at least you won’t get us kicked out of here.” Kassie smirked.