Page 53 of Shot at Love
“Hear that? That’s the sound of bunnies everywhere crying,” Roman remarked from a few rows back.
“Ha, ha. You guys are so fucking funny.” Luc snarled. If any of them knew who the girl was, they’d keep their comments to themselves, if for no other reason than for fear of getting their asses kicked.
“So, Puck-Star is contemplating an actual relationship? Wow, what magic did this girl use on you?” Kaden asked.
This conversation was uncomfortable, even though Kaden didn’t know who they were talking about. “Let’s stop talking about me; it’s really not that unbelievable.”
“Rock-Star is in a relationship, but nothing to see here folks!” Kyler called. “Please! That news should be on the front page of TMZ.”
Luc took a deep breath and looked at Melanie. She mouthed the words “I’m sorry,” and snuck back to her seat.
Sam nudged his elbow as the guys were still making dumb and crude remarks about his status. “Dude, are you for real?”
“I am,” Luc whispered.
“You seriously have a death wish, don’t you?” Sam remarked. “I still can’t believe you—”
Kaden looked at them, and nodded to the conversation.
Sam completed his sentence, obviously a little differently than he planned. “—are serious about a girl. You dawg.”
Luc didn’t want to talk about this anymore. Sitting back in his seat, he slipped on the in-flight earphones, and pulled out his cell phone. He quickly typed a text message to Kassie, since she was on his mind.
Luc: I’m looking forward to dinner tomorrow.
Kassie: You on your way home?
Okay, so she was avoiding talking about dinner. Luc’s heart sank, and he wondered if she was thinking about backing out of the date. He decided not to push it, and texted an answer to her question.
Luc: Yep, in the air now. Did you see the game?
Kassie: I did.
Luc: Yeah. You don’t have to say anything.
Kassie: Sorry. But either of you could’ve got that OT goal.
Luc: Yeah. Dom is pretty mad. You probably know how he gets.
Kassie: I do. Is he okay?
Luc: Yeah. Melanie took care of it. He’s fine now.
Luc: So, do you know where you want to go to dinner tomorrow?
Kassie: I do. There’s a steakhouse on Fifth Avenue that I’ve been wanting to try.
Luc: Then that’s where we’ll go.
He wanted to add that he missed her and couldn’t wait to see her, but that might be pushing things.
Kassie: Hey Luc.
Luc: Yeah? What’s up, Kass?
Kassie: I’m looking forward to dinner, too.
Luc: Me too.