Page 58 of Shot at Love
Luc knew the questions from Sam were coming. But right now, Sam was Skyping with his wife, Trina, and his daughter, Willow. Luc never understood before what these guys went through, being away from their families. He’d never had someone at home that he cared enough about to miss. The bunnies didn’t tend to miss him; they could always find other company for the night, and he’d do the same thing. He was never truly alone.
But now all he wanted to do was talk to Kass. He didn’t want to go check out the city or go to the bar; he just wished he could hang out with Kassie. Picking up his cell phone, he sent her a text.
Luc: Hey Kass, what are you up to?
Kassie: Hanging with a hot bowl of popcorn and my buddy Netflix.
Kassie: I thought you’d be out on the town.
Luc: Me? No. Just sitting here in the room, kinda wishing I could be hanging out with you instead.
Kassie: I was thinking the same about you.
That was exactly what he wanted to hear. If it was any other girl, he’d think she was trying to feed his ego. But with Kassie, she knew what it was like, and she wasn’t trying to make a good impression or lead him on. She was just herself, and that was his favorite thing about her.
Luc: That’s nice to hear.
Luc: Looking forward to the party on Saturday?
Kassie: Ha! Not really. I mean, if you and I could go anywhere else together, I’d be excited. But this, I’m just worried about Kaden.
Luc: Yeah. I get that.
Kassie: Luc, don’t let me hold you back from going out and having a good time.
Luc: Kass, the only thing I want to be doing now is talking to you.
Kassie: All right, Romeo. Whatever you say.
Luc: Think whatever you want, princess, but it’s true.
Luc: As worrisome as the party Saturday seems, I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Kassie: Me too.
Kassie: For the record, I’m more excited than I am nervous.
Luc: Yeah, me too.
They texted back and forth until Sam was done Skyping his family. Luc was sure he’d talk to Kassie again soon. He couldn’t go more than a few hours without sending her something. Whether it was a little message or a funny meme. This girl was changing him, and it was for the better.
“All right loverboy, what is going on between you and O’Conner’s sister?” Sam flopped down onto the hotel armchair.
“Nothing. We were just—”
“Try again,” Sam interrupted, amused.
“Getting coffee.”
“What do you want me to say?”
Sam wildly exaggerated a shrug.
“Are you going to tell O’Conner? If you are, just give me a head start out of the country.” Luc added a little laugh, but this was no laughing matter.
“Whatever you do, don’t go north. He’s from Canada, you do know that, right? Maybe head overseas,” Sam said flatly. Getting up from the chair, he raided the mini bar, taking a bottle of water and bag of cookies.