Page 84 of Shot at Love
Kassie snickered as she psychoanalyzed Kaden. “So, you’re deflecting your anger at Luc onto me?”
“Stop it with your college psychology class crap. He disrespected our friendship, but more than that, he’s risking our team dynamic.”
“He’s doing all that by dating me?”
“By dating my sister. Yes. I see him around the fangirls. I know how he flirts, and worse. I’ve seen it all, Kass. I refuse to see you be the next girl he hurts. You’re too good for him.”
“If you’re worried about the fangirls, you don’t have to be. We’ve talked about that. I’m not the overly jealous type, especially when there’s nothing to be jealous of. He likes me, Kaden, me. Not them.”
Kaden shook his head with a heavy sigh. “You just aren’t getting it.”
“What’s to get? Is it that hard to believe that he only wants me?” This conversation was beginning to annoy her.
Kaden huffed and gritted his teeth. “I’m sure he does like you. Why wouldn’t he? But you just don’t know how these guys can be.”
“And I’m a big girl, and I can handle it.” She knew more than he realized. But she also knew there were good guys out there, too. “Not all athletes are dogs.”
Kaden shook his head with frustration, obviously not realizing her last comment was about him. He sighed heavily as if he understood he had lost this battle already. As if in a last-ditch effort, he added, “I still don’t like it.”
Ali’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Earth to Kass. Don’t you think Kaleb’s little hooded sweatshirt is adorable?”
“Um, what?” Kassie knew Ali had asked her something, but she had no idea what.
“I asked you about Kaleb’s little hooded sweatshirt. Don’t you think it’s adorable? Trina Morris got it for him.”
Her nephew was the sweetest little thing. He had a head full of fair hair like both her brother and sister-in-law, and big eyes that watched everything everyone did. “Yes, it’s very cute. But Kaleb looks good in everything.”
“True, very true. I saw you talking to Trina at the party the other day,” Ali said. As soon as she realized she’d brought up the party, her face dropped. “Anyway, did I tell you that Kaleb has a new favorite toy? The only thing that will console him when he’s upset is his bunny. It used to be the duck, but now it’s that bunny. Crazy, right?”
“Bunny? Yeah, crazy.” Kassie smiled.
“Enough of this chit-chat. Kassie, how are things with you and the hockey boy?” Kassie’s mom blurted out.
“Mom!” Kassie grunted.
“Oooh, I like this topic. Yeah, Kass, how are things with you and the hockey boy? Or should I say the Puck-Star?”
Kassie’s mom looked at Ali. “What’s a Puck-Star?”
“Kassie’s hockey boy calls himself the Puck-Star. And we like to pick on him about it. Kind of like Rock-Star, but in hockey.”
“Ohhh. I get it. That’s cute. Well, Kassie? How are things, now that it’s out in the open?”
“Things were going good with Luc. Then Kaden started.”
“What did Kaden do?”
“Your son just can’t face the fact that his little sister isn’t so little anymore,” Ali said. “He wants to have more control over her life than he should. And he’s become a bit of a bully. Should I go on?” Ali asked Kassie’s mom.
“No, that’s plenty. It sums my son up perfectly. He’s always been protective of his sister, but after we lost their dad, he got out of hand. Way out of hand.”
“That’s just it. Yesterday at practice, Luc did something that Kaden didn’t like, and Kaden got in his face and tried to start a fist fight with him!” Kassie said in almost a whine.
“I already told him he needs to cut that caveman crap out.” Ali shook her head while eating a french fry. “He’s not doing himself any favors acting out like that.”
“I said the same thing.” Kassie speared a piece of lettuce with her fork. “But I’m starting to wonder if I’m making a mistake.”
As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she regretted saying them. All eyes were on her. There was no way she was getting out of explaining herself.