Page 3 of Breakaway
Besides not being ready to commit, he had no plans to settle down and be saddled with a mortgage yet. He had his whole career ahead of him, and that could take him anywhere, to any state. He was ready to explore any opportunity that came his way, but his ex had been ready to set up house with no plans of ever leaving.
He was a hockey player, and he needed someone who understood his wants and needs and who had a similar passion for life. This wasn’t an easy gig, and sometimes players jumped from city to city, and they had to be able to adapt.
“Hey, Earth to Travis,” Ben teased. “Did you hear me? Harrison just invited us and Noah to dinner at his wife’s place. You in?”
Travis slid his phone back into his pocket and put that call out of his mind. He nodded eagerly. “I’m in.”
TRAVIS ATE HIS MEAL as he listened intently to the guys tell stories about the games and of playing for the Renegades. He did his best to take in every second of this experience. Fitting in with the big guys on the team was a great start. He’d followed Sam Morris’s career, as well as his injuries, since he was drafted. And Harrison Dash was the guy Travis always wanted to be.
Sitting here at a table with both guys was like a dream.
But it hadn’t been easy to get here. He had worked hard, busted his ass to be the best on the Falcons, the player that everyone noticed, and the one all the media wrote features on. He always had a line of ladies in tow, because all the bunnies wanted to get with the popular player. But his mind wasn’t on the bunnies, not like some of his teammates who just wanted to party and get laid. Travis’s focus was on the game. And being called up to the Renegades was all he’d ever wanted. He deserved this shot, and he had no intention of screwing it up.
“Everything okay here?” Talia Dash asked, as she checked on their table. “Can I get anyone anything?”
Travis knew the history of the Renegades. Talia was married to Harrison Dash, and a popular restaurateur in Pittsburgh. She was also the sister of the Renegades captain, Tyler Kidd.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” Tyler joined the table, as if on cue.
“Ty, I’ll have your meal brought out right away,” Talia said to him with a wink.
“How are you guys enjoying the Sin Bin food?” Tyler asked Travis, Ben, and Noah.
“Delicious.” Ben nodded as he took another bite.
“Best meal I’ve had in a long time,” Noah said.
“I second that,” Travis added, trying to keep his cool and not turn into a fan-boy at the fact that Tyler Kidd, the best hockey player in the league just sat down to dinner with them.
Tyler Kidd nodded with a smile. “Yeah, my sister is good at what she does. And her chef is amazing. I’ve never had a single thing here that I didn’t enjoy.”
“Here you are, Tyler. Careful, the plate is hot.” A young woman sat the plate down in front of Tyler.
“Thank you, Jordan,” Tyler said.
“Woah, who is that?” Noah asked. He had stopped eating, and instead, he was staring at something, his mouth gaping open.
“Who is who?”
“That babe who brought Tyler his food. Talk about legs-for-days, damn.” Noah gawked at the young woman as she strutted away. “Whoever she is, she’d look awesome on my arm.”
“Noah, you’re drooling.”
“Am not,” Noah refuted, and wiped his face with his napkin. But his stare followed the young lady who’d brought out Tyler’s plate.
“You guys good? Can I get you anything?” Harrison asked.
Travis shook his head. The full plate of steak, potatoes, and asparagus in front of him was all he needed. “I could die happy after eating this meal.”
“I guess that’s a compliment?” Tyler asked, sarcastically.
Travis nodded, now with a mouth full of food.
“It means he likes it,” Sam Morris added. “My niece says weird things like that, too. You get used to it.”
“Speaking of your niece, how are things going?” Tyler asked. “Is she adjusting to Pittsburgh okay? She’s been through so much, and on top of it all, moving to a new city.”
“Yeah, she’s doing okay. She’s so strong. Looking for a job. She’s resourceful; I think she will do great here,” Sam answered with a smile.