Page 32 of Breakaway
Morgan held her breath until her aunt and uncle were back in their room, then she hurried to hers. Changing into pajamas, she slipped into bed and the scent of Travis surrounded her.
She wasn’t worried about her uncle’s wrath. She was an adult, and it was her right to make her own adult decisions. It wasn’t as though she had paraded Travis through the house while the kids were awake—well not yet, and thank goodness they hadn’t woken up.
However, she was concerned about Travis’ wellbeing tomorrow at the rink.
Travis grabbed a coffee for himself from the coffee cart and one for Morgan. He had texted her this morning to make sure she was okay, after her uncle had caught them last night. He hadn’t caught them in the act, thank God, just him sneaking out. A grown man, sneaking out. How embarrassing.
Travis hurried through his morning routine, trying to be quiet so as not to wake his roommate, Ben. It was early, but he was too wired to sleep.
But this morning, his mind wasn’t on hockey. He was worried about Morgan. As amazing as last night had been, she was the one who had to deal with Morris. They weren’t kids; she was an adult. And they hadn’t done anything wrong. Well, she did live in Morris’s house. Where his little kids lived. His heart sank.
So maybe their decision making was poor. But everyone had been asleep.
He hurried to the rink to check on her. Rushing through the front doors, he came to an abrupt halt when he realized she wasn’t at the front desk.
“Hungry?” Her voice startled him. He turned to the café, and there she was, sitting there with two plates in front of her, each with a Tex-Mex Egg wrap on it, and two cups of coffee.
“Sure.” Tilting his head in amusement and relief, he snickered. She was beautiful sitting there smiling at him.
“You brought coffee, how sweet.” Her beautiful eyes shined.
“Well, I see you already ordered some for us.” He set the cups down on the table.
“We can always use more coffee,” she replied. “Especially after the night we had.”
His stomach growled, and it must’ve been loud enough for her to hear it, because she giggled a little.
“Are you going to join me, or do I have to eat this all myself?” She grinned and moved both plates in front of her. “Because I did work up quite an appetite last night.”
This girl had him ready for round two with just a smile.
“Just because I like you doesn’t mean I’m going to share my food,” he teased. “I need sustenance, too.” He sat down across from her. “You’re here early,” he said with a smile. Checking his watch, he added, “You don’t start for another hour.”
“Well, you came looking for me early,” she countered, her lips pursed.
“You caught me. I couldn’t sleep, and you didn’t text me back, so I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“That’s sweet.” She smiled. “That’s why I’m here early. I figured I’d leave before my uncle woke up, to avoid a lecture. And I didn’t text back, because I figured you’d come looking for me.”
“Probably a good idea to avoid Morris. No one needs a lecture first thing in the morning.” He took a few bites of his egg wrap.
“Especially not before coffee! And, to be honest, I think I’d like to avoid it later, as well,” she hinted with a sly smile.
Butterflies hit his stomach when she stared up at him with those amazing crystal eyes. “So, how’d things go last night after I left?”
“Aunt Trina stepped in, and everyone went to bed. But do we really have to talk about that right now?” Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at him.
“Good point.” He smirked at her. “But you’re really okay?”
“Yes.” She gazed into his eyes. “And seeing you this morning makes things a little better.” Morgan gently touched the cut on his cheek that was finally healing.
“Yeah. For me, too.”
The egg wrap was as tasty as the one he’d had that first day. After they both finished their breakfast and at least two of the coffees, he took her by the hand.