Page 43 of Breakaway
She was mad at herself for even thinking that it might have been anything to do with him in the first place. “I’m not talking about the lasagna. I’m talking about Travis. You didn’t have him sent back to the minors? Did you?”
“Are you serious? Morgan, I don’t have the ability to send anyone anywhere.” He chuckled. “I didn’t even know they’d sent him down. But since we’re discussing Anderson—”
“I know what you’re going to say.”
“Morgan, I don’t think you do. And as much as I want you to think of this as your home too, the other night was very inappropriate. I think we need some ground rules. You are right, you are an adult. And you should be treated as one. Trina and I have been talking. Maybe we could turn the basement into an apartment for you? Or we could do something else, if you prefer—make you your own part of the house, so you could have your privacy.”
She was too tired to do this right now. “I do agree that having Travis over with the kids home was a poor decision on my part. I thought they would be asleep. And Travis wasn’t planning to be here when they woke up. But I guess there was always the possibility that they might’ve seen him, so I apologize for that indiscretion.”
“Morgan.” He sighed. “I want you to have relationships, but you gotta give me a little time to get used to this. Dating Anderson was one thing, and sure, it made my blood boil. But then, the other night? That’s a lot for your old uncle to deal with.”
“Yeah, you have to give this ancient man time to deal with the fact that you are an adult.” Aunt Trina entered the kitchen, wrapped her arms around Sam, and rolled her eyes playfully when she said ancient. Her aunt looked from Sam to Morgan. Not moving from where she stood, she added, “Are we all friends again?”
“Yeah, we’re working things out,” Uncle Sam said with a smile.
“Good.” Aunt Trina headed back to the living room, stopping first to hug Morgan.
“So, Anderson was sent down?” Her uncle grabbed his phone. “I really need to stay more in touch on social media.”
“Yep, this morning. They want him to report first thing tomorrow.” Her heart ached as she spoke.
“Well, I am sorry to hear that. I know Patrick was taken off IR; that’s probably what happened. But I promise you that I had nothing to do with it.” He then grinned humorously at her and joked, “I wouldn’t have him sent down if I was that mad. I would’ve just met him in the parking lot and kicked his ass.”
“Lovely. How mature of you,” she teased back.
He smiled. “But I still don’t like the kid.”
The oven timer hit zero and buzzed, pulling Sam’s attention to the stove.
“The lasagna has to sit,” he said, as he took the dish out of the oven. “Will you be joining us for dinner?”
She didn’t miss the hope in his voice.
“I don’t think so. I’m beat. But maybe tomorrow?”
Uncle Sam smiled. “Sure. And I’ll make you a plate in case you get hungry later.”
Returning a smile, as a small gesture, she added, “Thanks.” She hurried off to her room and closed the door behind her. She glanced at her cell phone, but there was no text from Travis yet. It wasn’t how any of this was supposed to go.
She lay on her bed, her head resting on the pillow. Looking at the photo of her mom that sat on her nightstand, she knew she had done the right thing by apologizing to her uncle. Family were the only people who really had your back.
She closed her eyes, more tired than she’d realized. Thinking about Travis, she drifted off to sleep.
Travis grabbed his hockey bag and rushed to the rink. He thought that being back in his apartment meant he’d have a great night’s sleep. He was wrong.
Maybe his sleeplessness was due to not receiving a text back from Morgan, but he figured she must’ve fallen asleep. He missed her. Going from having a gorgeous girl in his bed to being alone in a bachelor pad was a big step down. Not to mention, no room service now. But he had plenty of Ramen noodle dinners to look forward to.
His phone buzzed with a text, as he entered the lobby of the rink.
MORGAN: Good morning, handsome. Sorry I fell asleep last night.
MORGAN: I miss you.