Page 35 of Power Play
Placing her palm on his chest, she slowed the kiss, then pulled away. “I should really go.”
“I am really glad you came tonight, and I hope you will again. Did you have a good time?” He smiled, but it wasn’t his usual cocky grin, it was more subdued, sweeter. Hopeful.
“I had a great time. Thanks for inviting me.”
Noah cupped her cheek in his palm and kissed her one more time. “It’s really late, and I’d feel much better if I could see you home safely.”
“I’m really…” But she couldn’t help smiling.
“We could take your car so you won’t have to catch the bus in the morning. And I’ll grab an Uber back to mine.” He gazed into her eyes. “I won’t be able to sleep unless I deliver you home.”
Satisfied that Jordan had agreed to let him drive her home, Noah tried not to gloat in the car during their short ride. He just needed to see for himself that she was home safely. It was late, and she’d had a tiring day—he could see it on her face. It was the least he could do.
He’d never been tongue tied around a female before, although usually at this point, he wouldn’t be using his tongue for talking. But Jordan wasn’t just any woman; she was different than the typical puck bunny. Not only because she’d kept him at arm’s length, but because she was a mystery. Noah not only hoped to win her over, but to get to know her.
Finally something not lame came to mind to say. “So, do you enjoy taking the bus?”
Okay, maybe it was lame. And why did he always—
Before he could finish his thought, she pointed to a building and parking lot to his left. “That’s me.”
Noah took in the area as he pulled into the private parking lot. Located in the cultural district, it was a well-lit area, even this late, and looked very welcoming. He could see why she didn’t mind walking or taking the bus.
“You can just drop me off here.” She pointed to the front walkway.
“Would you mind if I walked you to your door?” he asked, as he parked the car. “I’m kind of a gentleman that way.”
Jordan shook her head with a little snicker. “I don’t see any harm in that. But just so you know, it’s a pretty safe neighborhood. But if it’ll help you sleep better knowing I’m safe in my loft, then by all means, let’s go.” She stepped out of the car and waited for him.
“Obviously, I need all the beauty rest that I can get,” he teased. As they walked side by side into the building, he caught her biting at her bottom lip. Nervous? Possibly.
Jordan unlocked the security door, and he expected her to stop him there and send him away. But instead, she led him to the elevator.
When the doors opened, they walked about halfway down the hallway.
“Well, this is me.” Jordan stopped at her door.
“So it is.” He looked from the door to her. Tension lingered in the air between them. Grasping for something to say, he settled on, “What a day, huh?”
Jordan stared at her feet for a second and shrugged. “Just another day.”
Noah reached out and touched her cheek, hopeful she wouldn’t pull away. His heart swelled when she leaned into his touch. “Jordan, you were a rock star today. That’s why you’re perfect for Slap Shot.”
He took a step forward, closing the space between them.
“Okay.” Her voice cracked as she tried to joke. “I guess I am a little awesome.”
“More than a little. And it made my night that you came to the game.” His warm lips brushed against hers. She parted her lips, and a soft breath escaped her as he kissed the side of her mouth. Their bodies melted together as the kiss deepened.
Noah knew the moment his lips touched hers that this might be a really bad idea. They had crossed a line from friends and co-workers to…
Jordan ran her hand up his chest, and he was thrilled that she had made the move. Her body trembled as he looped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer against him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back as passionately as he kissed her, maybe more. Their tongues danced together, and she tangled her hands in his hair. Her nails tickled the nape of his neck. She was driving him crazy.