Page 5 of Power Play
Eventually she walked by his table as she was checking in on customers. “Noah. Is everything satisfactory here?”
He smiled. She had actually noticed him for a change, and he took it as a good omen. “Actually, Jordan, I have a question for you.”
She stopped and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“Do you like your job here?”
She frowned and looked taken aback. “I love my job, why?”
He finally had her attention, so there was no point beating about the bush. “You should come work for me.”
“Excuse me?” she asked sharply.
“Managing my sports bar.” She still looked confused. “The one that I’m opening.” He nodded his head in the general direction. “Right across the street.”
“Oh.” She pursed her lips, not the reaction he’d hoped for. “Is that your place?” One side of her mouth twitched, almost as though she didn’t approve.
Wow, she really didn’t like him. He wasn’t used to females not liking him. It really was a conundrum, and for some reason it caused a tight feeling in his gut.
“Why are you staring at me?” she questioned. By her tone, it was evident that she was annoyed with him.
Putting on his best smirk, he asked, “Why don’t you like me?”
Jordan shook her head, and her expression softened. “I never said I don’t like you.”
Her words contradicted her actions. He’d tried many times to talk to her, even got the nerve to try to ask her out, but she’d shut him down before he could even get two words out. Her obvious attempts to keep him at arm’s length were deafening. But the cute way she crossed her arms over her chest seemed like proof that his question made her uncomfortable.
He sat back in his seat. “Did I offend you by asking you to come work for me?”
“You didn’t offend me.” She rolled her eyes.
“But you’re mad that I asked you.”
“Yes! I work here, for Talia. She needs me.”
“Is that why you don’t like me?” he asked with a laugh.
“I never said I don’t like you!” She huffed, seeming more irritated than ever. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do,” she said through gritted teeth. “And I hope you find a manager soon,” she added as she walked away.
“General manager.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
That went about as well as he figured it would.
As Jordan exited the kitchen, she noticed him out of the corner of her eye, sitting at his usual table. Table eighteen was basically reserved every day for Noah. He’d been here almost every day since he’d returned to Pittsburgh for the new season.
He’d been traded to the Renegades in the middle of last season, and his reputation preceded him. He apparently had a way with the ladies. Noah was about as handsome as they came, and he knew it.
Normally, Jordan didn’t go for guys like that. It wasn’t worth her time to feed some guy’s ego. And she wasn’t looking for a relationship.
But there was something about Noah’s large, muscular stature, handsome face, and the confident way he carried himself that gave her butterflies. Not to mention the deep brown eyes, and the knowing smirk that caused her heartrate to pick up. Even if she didn’t want any of that.
She wasn’t anyone’s notch on their bedpost. Especially his.