Page 38 of Scars of His Wrath
Naya pursed her lips, somewhat surprised at her brisk brightness. It didn’t seem to fit the situation, but that was probably better than her being rude or cold. The way she had bathed Naya yesterday had the practiced efficiency of an experienced aide, and serving as an aide for a prisoner was likely not a role anyone would want. “Err… good morning," Naya said. “Well, it’s afternoon. Good afternoon.”
The aide beamed and beckoned Naya over to the same spot for another bath. Afterward, she dressed her in attire typical of the style Naya had seen in this culture: garments that combined the looseness of cloaks and tunics with fitted sections, creating an elegant and unusual style of clothing.
When she finished, the aide stepped back, her eyes roaming, searching for imperfections. She couldn’t have found any because she clasped her hands together and smiled. Then she picked up the tiny cup of foul-smelling liquid and pressed it into Naya’s hands. "Hhe kkuke tshu tae kkermo pre tul kkishnu."
"No, thank you." Naya shook her head, holding it out to her. "I don't want it."
The aide tapped her finger on the cup and then tapped her mouth. "i tto?m."
Naya shook her head again. "No, thank you."
The woman cupped Naya’s hands and lifted the cup to her lips. Naya fought to push her hands back down without spilling the cup. She was surprisingly strong.
"i tto?m," the woman insisted. “i tto?m.”
"She is saying you should try it."
They both tensed, startled by the voice at the door.
A woman with large, expressive eyes and radiant dark brown skin stood just inside the doorway. She wore a fitted tunic-like outfit with layers of leather. Two daggers’ handles stuck out of the band around her waist, but Naya guessed she probably had at least three more on her person somewhere. She was the first person Naya had seen who looked like an actual warrior and not just a guard.
She glanced between them. "She is saying to try it.”
"I don't want to try it,” Naya said. "Why won’t she let me refuse?”
“Because you might find it helpful.”
That was a ridiculous response. Naya eyed her blades. "Are you both planning to cut me to shreds if I insist I don’t want it?"
The woman blinked, slow and considered, then gestured to the aide. “This is Meiro. She is to attend to your personal needs while you’re here but cannot speak the Common Tongue and has been instructed not to converse with you at length or assist you with anything that is not to do with your personal needs.” She gestured to the cup. “This will help you personally.”
Naya tried not to show her surprise. This woman’s Common Tongue was good.
"You told the zmola that you would be amenable," the woman added. "It does not hurt you to try."
“I agreed to give information,” Naya said. “I cannot see how drinking something that smells this… foul will help me help you.”
“It is our most coveted drink. It aids in concentration and gives strength. It can only be made using nnin, so its preparation is taken seriously. The amount you hold in that cup is very expensive and will be wasted if you don’t drink it.”
“Nnin?” Naya repeated.
The woman pursed her lips. “In your tongue, it translates to magic.”
A drink made using magic? Naya peered into the cup, drawing it closer to her face. The hot liquid was golden, and the pungent scent smelled much more complex up close.
Meiro’s voice was quiet when she spoke again. “Shnim prat i? pre tae llanin nnu? hhe shla pru?tsko?t hhe.”
Naya glanced up at her. Her eyes were wide, filled with hope and anticipation. Something about them reminded her of Lili.
The woman at the door translated. “She said it will help for the long day you have before you.”
Naya lifted the cup to her lips and took a tiny sip. The flavor of rich, burned earth with a hint of bitter smoke bloomed in her mouth and faded to a soft, mellow sweetness. When she swallowed, a warm glow spread through her. She took another sip and offered Meiro a small smile. It wasn’t as bad as it initially smelled.
Meiro let out a heavy breath. Dipping her head, she picked up the tray and headed out of the door, dipping her head again to the other woman as she passed.
Naya stared after her. Was that strange? Why would she care so much?