Page 56 of Scars of His Wrath
"I said no such thing." Deep and growly, his voice shuddered right to her core.
She tried to think back to her time in the tent, but the memory was hazy. "You said… You said."
"I said, I would treat you in accordance with your dynamic." The Alpha slightly raised a brow. "I have… And I will."
"No!" Naya shouted, his meaning suddenly seeping into her. "No. I do not want you to take advantage of my Haze."
"Take advantage?" he said. "I am your mate. It is my responsibility."
"No!" Naya shook her head wildly. "No, you don't get to claim responsibility now. Not after everything you've done to me."
“I would have claimed it a long time ago if not for my brother,” he growled.
Naya rubbed her neck. It was getting too hot for clothes. “What?”
“My brother has been keeping you blocked.”
Naya’s mouth dropped open. “Who is your brother?”
“Your healer.”
Naya moaned. The tmae. There was no tmae this morning. “Why did he stop?”
“Because I fucking found out!” the Alpha bellowed.
Naya whimpered, his displeasure clanging through her.
"I told you I will treat you like an Omega, tmot zia, but I also must treat you like you’re mine, because that's what you are. You cannot go through your heat without your Alpha."
"I can," Naya insisted, even though every instinct in her body screamed that was a lie. "I can, I can," she muttered, trying to convince herself more than the Alpha in front of her.
Tears sprung to her eyes, clinging to her lashes as they fluttered. This was the worst nightmare she could ever have imagined, and she knew he was behind it. He’d done something. She didn’t know how. All she knew was that she did not want, could not want him after everything he’d done, after everything he planned to do.
It wasn’t as though she hadn’t been through her heat without an Alpha before. Her mother had insisted that she experience it three times before permanently creating her blocks. Mama wanted Naya to understand how it worked—the fact that she would have no memory of her Haze until hours after it had finished, the fact that she would be a completely different person during it, someone who only wanted an Alpha at the detriment of her own safety, someone who only wanted to be bred constantly, someone who had no care for food or drink sustenance or hydration. All needs became less important except for the need to breed.
Mama had experienced it on her own when she was younger and she knew what to do. Each of the three times, she’d locked Naya in a room and had given her water and food. It had been a shocking and horrifying experience, but Naya understood after going through it that who she was during her Haze was not who she was in her right mind.
Instead she was a needy cock-seeking Omega who just wanted to find an Alpha, who would bring her to orgasm after orgasm in an attempt to sate the frenzied need that was never fulfilled. She was grateful to Mama for making her experience what it was like, but she never wanted to go through it again, at least not without her true mate. And now her true mate was going to use it to abuse the opportunity in front of him.
She was so horrified by the situation that she didn't realize he had moved closer, stalking around the table to get to her, until he was right next to her and sweeping her into his arms.
Instantly she fought him, but his scent surrounded her. It had changed too and, damn it was so good—the deeper, pungent headiness of Alpha going into a rut.
He carried her out of the room, and each step he took brought her nose closer to his neck. Grabbing his clothes, scrunching them in her fists the way she had with her own, trying to hold off. She couldn't so easily submit to him, but she knew that by the time she sank into her heat, she wouldn’t even try to resist.
Her heart sunk into a wild despair. This was the worst outcome that could have happened from her being captured by him. Everything that happened in the desert was better than being out of her mind and a willing participant in what was about to happen.
"Please," she whispered, her nose nestling directly on his neck now. "Please… Please…." She didn't know what she was begging for—for him to let her go, or for him to find somewhere that he could pin her down and fuck her.
Heat between her legs spread up to her stomach, butterflies trembling, the wetness smearing her thighs, increasing at her center preparing her for him. "No," she mumbled.
People were talking, hurried voices around them as he strode down the corridor. The Alpha didn't respond. He turned down a few more corridors before barking at someone and entering a room.
He gently put her down, tilting her head back to look into her eyes.
He was looking for her golden sight—the golden sheen that entered an Omega’s pupils when she was fully in her Haze. The golden sheen that helped her to see which Alpha would breed her successfully, the Alpha who was most suited to her.
She blinked, gaining clarity now that her nose wasn’t against him. "Let me go," she rasped. "Please, I am begging you. Let me stay in here on my own. Just provide me with water. I will be fine in a few days."