Page 33 of Athens Affair
“Are you not interested in what he does?”
“We are very different, my father and I.” He remained silent for a minute, then turned to her. “Do you come to Athens often?”
She tilted her head, thankful she didn’t have to lie, knowing it was hard to keep track of too many lies. “I have, in the past.”
“Do you think you’ll come back again soon, Francesca?” He smiled. “I like the way your name sounds.”
“Thank you.” She shrugged. “I travel all over the world. I like to visit places I haven’t been before.”
“I like to travel as well,” he said. “What has been your favorite place you’ve visited?”
She smiled. “Ireland is one of my favorites. What’s yours?”
“Ireland, as well.” He smiled. “I love to hike along the Cliffs of Moher and climb among the rock formations of the Giant’s Causeway. Have you been to either?”
Jasmine nodded. “Both. Nature never ceases to amaze me in its beauty and complexity.”
The driver drove up into the rocky hills overlooking the city lights below.
Jasmine would rather have taken their own vehicle. They’d discussed it briefly and agreed it would be easier to get past the gate guards, and Christos would be more comfortable allowing them onto the compound if he brought them himself. Once they exited the compound, they’d have to figure out how to get back into Athens. They’d worry about that after they retrieved the artifact and got out of the compound.
The vehicle left the main road and wound even higher into the hills, eventually slowing to a stop.
Jasmine leaned toward the window. Just as Dmytro had indicated, a six-foot high wall covered in white stucco and topped with concertina wire surrounded the compound. A closed metal gate stood between the vehicle and their entry. “Are we here?” she asked.
“We are,” Christos said.
Moments later, the gate slid open, and the limousine drove through.
As the vehicle passed through the entrance to the compound, Jasmine made note of the guards armed with a machine guns on each side of the road. A video camera was perched on the wall closest to the driver’s side of the vehicle, probably allowing Demopoulos’s security element to verify identities of those wanting to enter.
After the car passed the wall, the gate closed behind them.
A thrill of success rippled through her. They were inside the compound. One step closer in their plan to retrieve the scroll.
The driver proceeded along a paved driveway, winding ever upward. Soft lights at the bases of trees lit their way, casting beams and shadows across manicured hedges, trailing bougainvillea and lush lawns.
At the top of the hill, the driver turned into a wide, circular driveway and eased up to the front of a mansion of white stucco and massive windows overlooking Athens’ city lights.
Jasmine noticed the two guards at each corner of the building, armed with the same machine guns as those at the gates. Two more guards stood on either side of the huge double door. These men carried handguns holstered at their hips.
If she and Ace planned to leave through the mansion's front door, they’d need a major distraction to divert their attention. They’d be better off sneaking out a side or rear door as long as they had cover and concealment to hide their exit.
Jasmine’s stomach knotted. Their plan might be more difficult to carry out with only ceramic knives strapped to their legs. They were severely outgunned.
Her lips twitched. What she wouldn’t give to have one of those machine guns.
She wished they’d had more time to locate the kidnapper. They could have avoided the Demopoulos family entirely and the danger that now surrounded them.
With no idea who had taken Eli, they had to secure the scroll in order to make the trade for her son’s life. She’d do anything, risk everything to save him. Though she was glad he was with her, Jasmine wished she hadn’t put him at risk as well.
When the limousine stopped, the front doors opened. The driver and Ace got out.
Ace opened the back door before the driver could make it around the vehicle.
Jasmine leaned forward and gave him a slight nod as if to let him know she was okay.
Ace stood back as Christos stepped out of the vehicle, turned and extended a hand to Jasmine.