Page 64 of A Cry in the Dark
“No. But we knocked on the door to her personal living space earlier, and she didn’t answer. Door was locked too. According to Regis, she went to the doctor in Whitesburg this morning.” Fiona checked her phone then glanced up as the car pulled in the drive. “He’s here. Let’s rock and roll.”
Ty put his arm around Fiona as they walked to the front door. “Don’t wear red and remember not everyone in the woods is your friend.”
Fiona blinked once. Twice. Unamused. Asa scowled.
“Too soon?” Ty asked and tugged Fiona’s hair.
Asa didn’t bother with a response and Fiona just shook her head. Guess after catching the Nursery Rhyme Killer she could handle jokes about the woods, and Ty didn’t seem to mean any harm.
Ty slapped Owen on his back on the way out the door. “Stay out of the sorority houses. They may be hot, but they’re only barely legal, bruh. And more drama than you can handle.”
Owen rolled his eyes then closed the door behind them.
Ty spun and clapped his hands together. “Who’s hungry?”
“I’m in charge, Tiberius Granger. I will not tolerate your stupidity or your random mental iTunes playlists.”
His wicked grin foreshadowed misbehavior.
Violet’s jaw clenched.
“Fine.” He straightened his posture and sighed. “About those numbers. Six-two-zero-one-two-three-four-five-six. I tried the sixth book of the Bible. Joshua. I tried looking at chapter twenty-one—two, zero, one. Verses two, three, four, five and six. But it doesn’t make sense. It’s a chapter about the Levites having towns allotted to them, but I made note of the name in the verses. Dan. We have several Daniels, Dans and Dannys in Crow’s Creek and Night Hollow. I have Selah going through them. But at the moment, they don’t meet the loose profile we have.”
“Then it’s a dead end,” Violet stated.
He held up his forefinger. “I didn’t say that. I also looked at Joshua chapter twenty. That’s a little more interesting, but I’m not sure it meets the criteria.”
“Interesting how?” John asked. “It’s the cities of refuge, right?”
Ty’s eyebrows raised. “Yeah. You a Bible major?”
“I’m a student of the Word.”
“Ah,” Ty said dramatically, “Bible thumper. I hear ya.”
That was not what he said at all, but he didn’t feel the need to correct the religious-behavioral analyst.
“So check it. Cities of refuge were places singled out so if someone accidentally murdered another person they could flee to one of these nearest cities to cry sanctuary. You know, like the Humpback of Notre Dame. Cry sanctuary!” he hollered and raised his fists.
“I’m pretty sure it’s hunchback. And what did I say about iTunes songs?” Violet said.
“That wasn’t a song. I mean, it was actually in the Disney movie, but I chanted. You said nothing about chants, Vi.” He waved her off as if she were ridiculous, but John hung with him. He was going somewhere. Eventually. “My question is could these women have seen a murder or accidentally committed a murder? Could this man be a relative of someone and he’s avenging them? I don’t know. I mean it’s not out of the strange-crimes realm, but the fact that these women all had intercourse prior to their deaths is throwing me off. And avengers don’t take trophies. Where’s the eyes?”
“That’s what Violet said.”
“Of course she did.” Ty batted his hand between him and Violet. “We have this wavelength thing going.”
Did they?
Violet’s eyebrow raised. “We have no thing going. Stop being stupid. I told you that you couldn’t be stupid.”
“Did you?” He playfully winked at John, revealing he wasn’t interested in Violet romantically. That was a relief. “I thought it might be the sixth book of the New Testament, which is Romans, but it doesn’t have twenty chapters. So I tried chapter two. Verse one, using the zero and the one. Then verses two, three, four, five and six. We might have something worth pursuing there.”
Violet blinked rapidly. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”
“I needed you to know I’ve been working.”
“Get to it already,” she said, her voice low and calm and collected.