Page 111 of The Influencer
“That’s what I thought. Open up your throat for me then, and let’s get it over with.”
With my head hanging off the edge of the bed, Asher feeds his studded, naked cock down my throat and folds his body over me to suck me deep. I think I break a record by coming in under two minutes.
I’ve never invited Asher into the shower with me before, but after the straight cop sixty-nine, I’m in the mood to worship him. I tell him to stay still while I fuss over his body with my scrubbers and exfoliating creams. On my tiptoes I wash his hair with all my products and rinse the suds off his torso with my hands, using any excuse I can to touch him constantly.
He tolerates me for awhile, but then we wind up kissing under the stream of water, and it’s the sexiest, most romantic moment I’ve ever experienced. Like seriously, we might as well be under a waterfall, that’s how incredible it is.
After we’re clean and dried off, he takes me back to bed and fucks me slowly on his lap while we kiss and touch some more. It’s as close to making love as anything I’ve ever done, and it’s when he’s so passionate with me like this that I get emotional.
I don’t say anything, but the strain of keeping my mouth shut usually forces some tears from my eyes, both from how incredibly good it feels, my ass stretching to accommodate his big, pierced cock, but the way his mouth continues to rain kisses on every swath of skin he can reach.
When we both come down from another earth-shattering finish, he gets rid of his stupid condom, cleans me up with a wet washcloth, and we go to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat.
We eventually settle on the couch, where I can’t get close enough to him. He’s lying lengthwise, his legs spread, my body between them, and my head and hands on his chest while he rubs long lines up and down my spine.
It’s so fucking perfect.
“What’s your schedule look like coming up?” he asks.
I know exactly what he’s fishing for, but I hedge. “I have a photoshoot next week,” I tell him. “And I have a lot of reels to make. Tour rehearsals are Tuesday and Thursday. Why? Did you want to do something?”
“No collaborations?” he asks.
“No,” I say innocently.
“Hm. Are guys not reaching out, or…?”
“I have plenty of content at the moment,” I say.
“Really? Because the stuff we’ve been doing—not exactly on brand for you…”
I sigh, my eyes closing, wishing he would drop it so we could talk about something else. Like taking a long walk holding hands on the beach or something. “You want me to fuck another man for content?”
“It’s your job, isn’t it?”
“Sure,” I say shortly. “But only one part of it.”
“I told you I didn’t expect you to change anything.”
“I know you did.” It’s just that something inside me has changed. And it’s the fact that I don’t particularly want to fuck anyone else. That could change. I don’t know. But my current sex life is beyond satisfying, and while I might be running out of ideas to entertain Asher in the bedroom, I know he hasn’t lost interest in me, whether I’m in a costume or not. Our sex drives are well matched. Equally insatiable. If we didn’t have jobs, I have no doubt we’d be screwing 24-7.
“This is gonna sound weird, I know, but I kinda want you to,” he says.
It not only sounds weird, but it hurts like a bitch. “Why’s that?” I ask, trying to keep my voice bland, instead of hysterical.
“I guess I’m interested to know what it feels like. Fuck, that sounds selfish, doesn’t it?”
I don’t even know what it sounds like. I’m too busy trying not to cry again. “And what if I said I didn’t want to?”
“I mean it’s totally up to you, Jade. I’m not trying to make you do anything you don’t want to do, I just…”
“What?” I ask when he trails off.
“We’re having fun, right?” he asks, instead of continuing his thought.
“Yes,” I say cautiously.