Page 149 of The Influencer
“You’ll wear a condom?” he asks.
A slow grin forms on my mouth. “You’re not done with me yet, are you?”
“I mean, I have some guidelines I’d like to go over with you…”
I slide beneath him, under the water, and wrap all my limbs around him. His gaze snags on my mouth and we kiss. The details can wait.
Devon is a trim, small, Caucasian man with full pink lips and ocean blue eyes. He greets me with an enthusiastic, “Hey, Daddy!”
I try not to smile, but he’s fucking adorable.
Jade is a confusing combination of bossy, pissy, and awkward while Devon fawns all over me, running his hands up and down my tattoos, oohing and ahhing over them, asking what they mean, how long they took, when did I know I wanted to be a tattoo artist. He’s excellent at showing interest, I’ll give him that. I’m sure he does well for himself at the clubs.
At one point, though, Jade’s had enough. He pounds back a shot, slams the glass on the island, and removes Devon’s hand from my arm. “That’s enough touching. Now go into my room and get undressed. Follow the lights.”
Devon flutters his lashes at Jade and does as he says with one last lingering glance in my direction. Jade snorts as soon as Devon’s out of earshot. “Try not to enjoy this so much.”
I grin at him, at the bright pink blush tinting his cheekbones, at the irritation in his narrowed eyes. “You need any help warming up?” I ask.
He rolls his eyes. “No,” he says with a hint of defiance, but also a flash of anxiety.
“You’ll be able to?—”
“Get it up? Don’t worry. My cock responds to basically anything.”
Mine is on alert now, too. Not because Devon practically eye fucked me, but in anticipation of what I’m about to see. I’m not as nervous about it as I thought I would be. Seeing and meeting Devon helps, but even before he showed up, the idea of watching Jade put his dick in someone had me weirdly excited. I’m keeping that information to myself, though. Jade is stressed enough for both of us, whether he chooses to admit it or not.
“Let’s get this over with,” he says. “Come on.”
As far as content goes, Jade’s collaboration with Devon is good. It’s hot, noisy, and it’s over in half an hour. I watch from the doorway while they kiss and rub each other behind their underwear to get hard. Jade is taller, broader, and dominates Devon easily. He fucks him on his knees in the center of the bed, varying his pace from slow hip rolls to nearly incompressible rapid thrusting, keeping Devon edged for so long I start to worry about the little guy.
And then Jade finally shows some mercy, taking hold of Devon’s plump cock and jerking it. “You wanna come for me, D? Wanna spill all over my sheets for me?”
“Yes,” Devon moans. “Oh my fuck God, fuck, yes…”
Jade rolls his hips again, slamming into Devon’s ass in smooth, rough thuds. I can’t help but cup my dick, the pressure building in my pants is damn near unbearable. My sweet thing is hot as fuck when he tops. I had no idea he had it in him.
The more you know…
“Spill for me, D. Let me see all that cum. Give it to me. Give it to me…”
Devon does indeed give it to him—arching his back and letting out what’s almost a howl as his cock erupts with ropes of thick semen. It flies everywhere as Jade keeps pounding his ass.
Just then, Jade glances at me, licks his lips, and tosses back his hair. Shit, he’s a fucking sex god. My cock throbs as he slaps Devon’s ass, pulls out, and rids himself of the condom. Devon, like he’s done this routine a hundred times, rolls over, opens his mouth, and waits as Jade jerks himself to a finish and comes with a shout all over Devon’s tongue and face.
Fuck. My cock is leaking so much, I can feel the wet spot spreading beneath my palm.
They take a moment to breathe and settle, and then Devon, with a smirk a mile wide on his face, tilts his head back and looks over at me. “Get over here, Daddy.”
“You shut the fuck up,” Jade snaps at Devon with his eyes also locked on me.
Devon doesn’t take it badly. He only asks, “Do you two need a moment?”
“Yes,” Jade and I both say at the same time.