Page 14 of Sawyer
“Will do.” She’s still grinning.
I’m about to ask her why when I feel his hands on my shoulders, spinning me around. His gorgeous eyes stare me down, and his hand cups my chin. “You can quit all you want, Jilly Bean. We discussed this already. It doesn’t change that you’ll be my wife.” He flips me over his shoulder.
“You can call it a day, Cynthia. I’m taking my fiancée out for the rest of the day. I’ll either be finding a replacement, or we’ll be coming back in the morning together and figuring out how to keep her working here while I try to get work accomplished.”
“May I suggest…locked doors? Maybe give you a shock collar?”
“Might be an option, but then I might enjoy a new kink if it means I get to touch my woman.” He chuckles and carries me out. I want to be mad, but the caveman routine is sexy.
“Are you going to drop me on my ass when you get another call?” He sets me down on my feet and stares deep into my eyes.
“That’s what that shit was about? It was an important call.”
“You didn’t even let it go for a second ring.”
“Sweetheart, you might have been too fucking caught up in our moment, but I missed two calls in a row from my lawyer, and I wasn’t too pleased that you were getting aroused by his call vibrating in my pocket.”
“Yes. Anyway, I told you I wasn’t going to spread you out there no matter what. I’ve waited too damn long for this moment to rush it.” He leads me down to a gorgeous dark blue SUV with tan leather seats and helps me into the passenger seat before closing the door and walking around to the driver’s side.
“Somehow I thought you’d have a driver.”
“I do, but I don’t need him for everything. Right now, I want you and me alone, but I also don’t want too much availability to you until we reach our final destination.”
Chapter Six
“Where are you taking me?” she asks, turning in her seat and biting her bottom lip. This is the first time we’ve truly been alone away from almost everyone in our lives. I’m sure I’m rushing this and she’s scared, but my soul has been hers for years and I can’t wait any longer.
“Home,” I answer. Nox and I have been living in my condo for years, but now I have a special place created solely for Jillian and me.
“Home? I thought you lived with Nox?” I wonder how much she gleaned from Cynthia or from my brother. A pang of jealousy fills my gut to think Nox told her that stuff.
“How did you know that?”
“My father, after one of your calls over the years.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s right. Well, I don’t live with him anymore. We’re almostthere.” I bought us a home not too far away from everyone, but it’s large and safe.Not that the condo isn’t safe, but I want our privacy and a place that is all our own, something of our own making.
She snuggles up against me, and I bring her close. It’s not long until we pull up to the long driveway and come to a stop. “We’re home.”
She lifts her head and gasps. “This is ours?”
“Yes, my love.”
“Wow.” It’s nice, but it’s not as big as I could have gotten. I don’t want to draw attention to our relationship just yet. I unlock the door and lead my beautiful fiancée inside. Once the lights are on, I direct her to the living room. As much as I’d like to take her straight to bed, we have a lot to talk about.
“Do you want something to drink?”
“No,” she answers, shaking her head, biting on that plump bottom lip again.
“Please sit, Jilly Bean.” Sitting down beside her, I take her hand in mine. “Are you worried?”
“Anxious is more like it. This is all new to me, Sawyer. The reality of our situation is that I went from a stranger with a crush to a relationship overnight.”
“Four years ago, I made it perfectly clear that you and I were always going to end up here. And it’s more than a relationship, Jillian.”