Page 7 of Sawyer
I look up to see the professor standing mere feet from me. “I know the semester is almost over, but finals are upon us, Ms. Krieger, and you still need to do well to pass them.”
“Sorry about that, Mr. Langdon.” I grab my things as he walks away. God, I don’t know why I still imagine Sawyer there when I know it was just a dream. I wasn’t even tied up or had signs of rope marks on my wrists that night. Hell, I share a dorm with a girl, and she said no one was in our room that night. Still, that dream lives rent free in my head, and it’s my favorite one.
“Seriously, you are not okay.” Andi presses the back of her hand to my forehead.
“I’m fine.” I shrug it off and finish shoving my things into my bag to leave. “I’ll see you later.”
“Okay.” I exit class with a goal in mind, and that’s to finish school so I can graduate and forget all about Sawyer Masterson.
Chapter Two
Nox strolls into my office and plops down on the edge of my desk with our overpaid lawyer and friend, Thorne, following behind him. Wisely, he takes a seat in the chair in front of my desk before I kick his ass out. I’m in a shit mood, and I’m not sure exactly why.
“How are our quarterly financials looking?” he asks, with obviously nothing to do this morning but to annoy me.
“Great. We’re wealthy as ever, ready to dominate more properties and make life our bitches.”
“Speaking of bitches, are either of you planning to finally meet a quality girl and marry?” Thorne loves to push my buttons. I don’t ever think I’ve seen him out with a single woman, so he has a lot of nerve asking us that.
“No, Thorne. I’m not even sure why you’re asking such a personal question,” I snarl at him while he adjusts his expensive tie. He was probably out there flirting with our assistant or pissing her off. More than likely both.
“Because you are running yourselves ragged, some of the youngest billionaires in the world, and yet you don’t have any interest in leaving it to someone.” Having children is definitely on my list one day, but right now, that would require having sex. Other than my fist, no one is getting this dick.
“We’re not even thirty, so there’s no need for us to settle down. Now, what brings you in to annoy us today?”
“Relax. I came to drop off the papers for your latest project downtown. By the way, I just spoke to your assistant, and she said she was leaving this week, so who are you getting to replace her?” I stare at our longtime friend, Thorne. Since when does he give two fucks about who works for us?
“We haven’t selected anyone yet. We don’t need an assistant,” I scoff while Nox sits suspiciously quiet.
He laughs and stands. “The hell you two don’t. I’ve been working with you two assholes for nearly five years, and you two might be geniuses with money, but you two don’t like people enough to deal with all the other bullshit. Hell, we barely get beers and catch a game once a month.”
He has a point. “We’ll find someone,” Lennox says with such assurance that I wonder if he’s already got it taken care of and hasn’t told me about it yet. He’s been acting strange for the past two days, but I’ve been too preoccupied with my own frustrations to say shit about it.
He stands up and shakes our hands. “Very well. I’ll see you guys next week. I have my hands full for the next few days. Read over the contracts and make sure they’re to your liking, and then send them to my office.”
“You got it, pain in the ass.” He flips me off and then leaves us.
As the door closes, Lennox adjusts his coat. “Speaking of pain in the ass. Guess who graduated from college with a degree in business?” Nox says, giving me a cocky smirk.
“Who?” We don’t know many people, so I have a feeling who he’s going to mention, but I’d rather he’d get it over with so I can breathe again.
“Come on—who else? Your little Jilly Bean.” I don’t even argue about the “your” reference because she is mine.
“Oh, wow. Already? Has it been four years?” I question, pretending to be aloof when I’ve been counting down the days on my calendar, marking the hours and doing what I can to make the necessary arrangements for us.
“Yes. You’re still bothered that she was crushing on you during her freshman year.”
“It could have ruined our business,” I confess, because I nearly lost my mind when she got herself drugged. Those boys were quick to be expelled. Some of them were prosecuted when a raid mysteriously occurred and they were found to have violated other girls too.
“Well, she’s probably fucked half a dozen boys by now to get over you, so don’t worry. You’re an old man and no longer on her radar.” I try to control the vomit in my throat and the urge to flip my desk over in a rage. He doesn’t know a damn thing about her.
Pretending to give no fucks about his comments, I return to work matters. “Good for her. Is there another reason you’re in my office to waste more of my day? We have a twenty-pound contract to go over.” I raise the damn file Thorne brought over that could give a weaker man carpal tunnel.
“Actually, yes. There’s a reason why I mentioned her.” I raise my brows, waiting for him to continue. Instantly, my guts start to rumble. “I hired her as our new assistant.”
“What?” I roar, jumping out of my chair with my fingers splayed on my desk, glaring at my brother. He just destroyed my plan. I could kill him.