Page 28 of The Healing Garden
“Libraries are closed on Sundays,” Carly said.
“Oh right.” His gaze shifted to Anita. “Monday or Tuesday?”
When she didn’t answer right away, Carly grasped her shoulder. “Mom, please? It will be fun, and then we can make photocopies and show them to Mr. Davis.”
Maybe there wasn’t any harm to this plan. Mr. Davis would certainly love to see parts of his old yearbook again. And she was curious about whether Susan was a real person. “All right. I think Monday is fine. Unless you have too much homework?”
“I’ll get as much done as I can tomorrow,” Carly gushed. “Thanks, Mom! Now you guys need to exchange numbers.”
Anita wasn’t going to read any further into this situation with Wyatt because this was basically a research trip. She sifted through her purse to locate her small address book. She pulled it out, noticing the worn edges. “All right, what’s your phone number, Wyatt?”
He rattled it off, then she gave him hers, which he scrawled across the back of a receipt he pulled out from his wallet.
“How about I call you Monday afternoon when I know what time I can leave work for the day?” he said. “And whatever your car situation, I’ll plan on picking you up. It’s only fitting we take Gramps’s car on this excursion.”
Anita had nearly forgotten about her car problems and how on Monday, she’d probably be facing a large repair bill. “Sounds good,” she said, before she could let her thoughts send her into stress mode.
“I’ll be home by three thirty,” Carly said, “so any time after that works. Or my mom can check me out earlier.”
Wyatt smiled. “No need for that. I usually can’t get out of my office any earlier than four o’clock.”
“Well, thanks again,” Anita said, reaching for her door handle.
He popped out of the car, and hurried around it to fully open her door.
“Thank you,” Anita said, pleased by his chivalry. He was just dropping them off—this wasn’t a date or anything.
Next, he opened the door for Carly, who’d happened to wait.
“Thanks again,” Anita said, wondering how many times she could thank someone in one night.
“Don’t forget to call my mom,” Carly said as she headed to the front porch. The light was off, and beyond the window was darkness.
Next door, the living room light glowed in Phyllis’s house, and Anita thought she saw the front window curtains move. She hid a sigh. Her neighbor was probably watching.
She gave Wyatt a half-smile and turned to go.
When his hand touched her arm, she turned, surprised. “Wait,” he said in a low tone. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? I mean, I know Carly is gung-ho, but I don’t want to intrude on your schedule.”
“I think it would be great to find out once and for all, but you’re the one who has to be okay with it. Not me.” She paused. “You weren’t too thrilled earlier tonight.”
“I know.” He exhaled. “But I’ve changed my mind, and I’m okay with it.”
“Mom, I need the keys,” Carly called from the front porch.
“Hang on,” she said. Wyatt’s gaze was still on her. “Monday, then?”
He gave a single nod. “Monday.”
She turned toward the house again, and this time he didn’t stop her. He didn’t move either, but was apparently waiting for them to get their front door unlocked.
After opening the door and turning on the porch light, Carly bounded inside. Anita turned one more time toward the driveway.
Wyatt lifted a hand and then headed back to the car.
The light in Phyllis’s living room window turned off. So she had been watching and might be now. Anita waved toward her house just in case. If she waved back, Anita didn’t know.
She headed into the house and shut the front door. She wasn’t going to peer out the curtained window to watch him drive away. No. Because she wasn’t going to be nosy like Phyllis.