Page 30 of The Healing Garden
This question brought a flush to Phyllis’s cheeks, and Anita swore she saw a sheen of unshed tears.
Phyllis waved a hand. “Oh, they’re all extremely busy right now. I haven’t seen them in a few weeks, but I’m hoping when summer starts, they’ll want to visit Grandma’s house.”
“Of course they will,” Anita soothed. “If you aren’t busy tomorrow, maybe we could share a quick lunch together? I need to force myself to take breaks, and that will be a good excuse.”
“That would be wonderful,” Phyllis said. “How about I fix something, so you don’t have to worry about it. I have a house full of groceries now.”
“I didn’t mean to invite myself—” Anita started.
“Don’t be silly.” Phyllis waved a manicured hand. “If I were a better neighbor, I’d have invited you in the first place.”
“You’re a great neighbor,” Anita said, and realized she absolutely meant it.
A short time later, as she headed back to her house, she decided that the weekend had been better than she could have ever expected—besides her car issues, that was. But then again that had been a catalyst for what was happening in a short time. Wyatt should be arriving soon to pick them up.
When she entered the house, Carly was standing at the front window. “I was just helping Phyllis with her groceries,” Anita said.
Carly nodded. “I’m watching for Wyatt and the red Cadillac.”
“Wow, excited?”
“As excited as you.”
Anita laughed. She didn’t mind Carly’s teasing about Wyatt. It was good to be teasing each other and not have the tension of the suspension and grounding hanging over them. Maybe they’d get back to doing their weekend road trips, something they used to enjoy together. Today, she had been worried most of the time, wondering how Carly’s school experience would go. But she came home with a smile on her face, saying she’d talked to some other girls in her classes. Maybe Samantha and Evie would be history—and that would be a good thing.
“All right, you keep watch.” Anita headed out of the living room.
“He’s here!” Carly called out suddenly.
She stopped. “Okay, I need to grab my purse.”
“I’ll see you outside.”
Anita grabbed her purse, then followed Carly, locking the door behind them. When she turned, Wyatt was out of the car, wearing what he must have at work. Button-down shirt, tie, and slacks.
“Ready?” he asked, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“Ready,” Carly announced brightly. She hurried to the car, splashing through a small puddle, then stopped as Wyatt opened the rear door for her.
Anita kept her stride at a normal pace, not wanting to seem too eager, even though she was probably just as keyed up.
Wyatt remained by the car, watching her approach.
Something was different about him, Anita decided. His green eyes seemed lighter in the afternoon sun, and he seemed to be more relaxed. Had it been a good workday for him?
“How are you?” he asked as she neared.
Something about his mellow voice warmed her chest. It was as if he were truly interested in her answer.
“It was a good day,” she said, “once I found out Carly had a good day at school.”
He paused with his hand on the door handle. “Is she making new friends?”
“She is.”
He smiled. “Good to hear.” He popped open the door, and she stepped past him and slid into the front passenger seat.
He smelled of fresh air and the warm sun and maybe starch. Did he starch his shirts, or was that from the dry cleaner’s? She decided not to dwell on the fact that she’d spritzed a little perfume when she was getting ready.