Page 49 of The Healing Garden
“What if no one wants to give out information?” Carly added.
“We hope they’ll want to help an elderly man find his old high school friend,” Wyatt said.
The next hour they took turns making phone calls. Even Carly made one of the calls. But they kept hitting dead ends. The sky outside darkened with rain clouds, and soon it started to drizzle, making the world turn gray.
Anita turned on a couple of lights. “Do you think we could ask the city office where Susan lived in Nevada to mail phone records of any Martins they have?”
“It’s worth a try.” Wyatt dialed information, then asked for the number. Next he called the city office.
Through the receiver, Anita could hear a woman’s voice answer. Wyatt explained why he was calling. “Anything would help. My grandfather is hoping to reconnect with Susan Martin. She’d be about eighty-three right now.”
He paused, then said, “They dated, yes.”
Anita decided that his side of the conversation was getting interesting.
“I believe they were in love,” he continued, a small smile appearing on his face.
Carly drew a heart in the notepad.
“Yeah, I suppose it’s a sweet story. Gramps is very eager, that’s all I know.” He chuckled and glanced over at Anita. “Great, that would be excellent. Thank you so much.” He rattled off his home address, then hung up a moment later.
When his gaze again met Anita’s, he said, “Well, she’s intrigued and will mail us whatever she can find about any Martins in that city.”
“Wow, that’s great,” she said. “She was very helpful.”
Carly’s eyes glowed. “She’s excited about the romance. When you told her about that, she wanted to help more.”
Wyatt nodded, his smile growing. “I believe you’re right.” His gaze again connected with Anita, and she wondered if it was time to get everyone more drinks—with ice.
“Now what do we do?” Carly asked, tapping her pencil against the notepad.
“We wait for Ms. Anderson to send over what she finds.” Wyatt folded his hands on the table. “Unless there’s something else you can think of?”
“We should type up form letters,” Carly suggested. “You know, so that when we get names, and if some of the people don’t want to talk on the phone, we can send them letters.”
Anita’s brows popped up. “That’s a great idea, Carly.”
“I agree,” Wyatt said. “What should the letters say?”
Anita guessed he was including Carly in the process as much as possible, because surely he could compose a letter. Over the next hour, they put together a letter they were all happy with. Anita typed up a few versions, and only had to use Wite-Out a few times to correct errors.
“You should stay for dinner,” Carly said. “My mom’s a good cook, and I always help too.”
Anita’s mouth nearly fell open. First that she was inviting Wyatt to dinner, and next that Carly thought she was a good cook. She hadn’t really planned out a meal, and now her mind raced with what to say.
“I don’t want to impose,” Wyatt said, but he was looking at Anita.
What could she say? “It’s no problem. Don’t expect anything fancy.”
“We can have spaghetti,” Carly declared. “Do we have everything for that?”
“Yes, we do.” She exhaled. “It’s easy enough, and we’d be happy to have you.”
“Only if you let me make the sauce,” Wyatt said. “I have a special recipe.”
His smile was easy, and she suddenly felt nervous. Working together on finding Susan was one thing, but sharing a meal in her home made everything feel a lot more domestic.
“It’s a deal,” Carly said. “I’ll do the salad. I make them a lot.”