Page 74 of The Healing Garden
Anita drew away from Wyatt, grateful but also disappointed in the interruption. She could focus on the cat without him seeing how much she was probably blushing. “Are you hungry, Sassy?”
She answered with another meow, and Anita rose from the table and crossed to the pantry to get the cat food.
“I should probably get going,” Wyatt said, standing too. “I need to go to the office for a couple of hours and reschedule some things. Book a hotel. See if I need to pick anything up for my grandpa for the trip. Do you need anything else?”
Anita looked over at him. His steady green gaze made things inside of her melt. The atmosphere in the room had changed. His holding her hand, then his kind words, and then their shared hug...Was she doing the right thing by agreeing to this road trip? It went beyond casual friendship. It was involving her daughter, and it was involving both of their hearts.
“I don’t think so,” she said. “If I need something, I can run to the store. I’m just going to talk with one of the neighbors about feeding Sassy. Usually Phyllis does it when we go out of town.”
Wyatt nodded, his gaze still on her. “Okay. Call me if you need my help. I’ll be doing errands tonight and can get whatever you need.” He moved a couple of steps closer. “Thanks again for coming. It means a lot to me.”
Anita’s throat felt dry, and her cheeks warmed again. “You’re welcome,” she managed to say.
Then Wyatt moved another step closer and kissed her cheek. “See you tomorrow morning.”
He stepped away, and before she could figure out what her reaction should be, he headed out of the kitchen.
She remained in her spot by the pantry as she listened to the front door open, then close. Moments later, she heard the sound of his car engine start.
Anita touched her cheek where Wyatt had kissed her. Was this happening? It was happening. What did she think about it? What was she feeling? Her heart was racing, her pulse was pounding, and she was...smiling. She wanted to run outside and demand a real kiss. She also wanted to run to her bedroom and burrow under the covers until the sun came up again.
“You’re blushing,” Carly said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Anita flinched. “Oh, I didn’t hear you.”
Carly smirked. “You like him, Mom. You might as well admit it.”
“Like who?”
Carly tugged open the refrigerator door and pulled out the pitcher of orange juice. “It’s okay,” she said nonchalantly. “I like him too, and it’s all right with me if you want to date him.”
Anita opened her mouth, then shut it as she watched her daughter walk down the hallway, carrying her cup of juice with her. Apparently, Carly was getting the last word.
“WHERE’S MR. DAVIS?” CARLY ASKED as they loaded their bags into the trunk of the Cadillac.
“When I stopped by, he wasn’t quite ready,” Wyatt said. “I thought I’d come here and pick you up, then we can go back to the center. I guess he had a rough night.”
Anita’s gaze connected with his over the hood of the car. “Is everything all right?”
“They assured me it was,” he said, but she didn’t miss the concern etched on his face.
They slid into the seats and Wyatt started the engine. “I guess he woke up from a nightmare, and after they got him settled, he couldn’t fall back asleep for a couple of hours.”
“Well, I can always take another day off from school if we need to delay the trip,” Carly said in a nonchalant tone.
“Let’s hope that doesn’t need to happen,” Wyatt said, backing the car out. They pulled onto the road. “Everything’s set up with Susan and Lila, and all the other arrangements. It would be a shame to cancel it.”
“Everything will be fine, you’ll see,” Anita said, hoping it would be the case. She patted Wyatt’s hand, and he glanced over at her with a smile.
Her heart did a little tumble.
Carly put on her headphones and pressed Play on whatever cassette she’d put into her Walkman.
“I talked to Phyllis’s son this morning,” Anita said. “He’s staying at her house.”
“Ah, how’s Phyllis?” Wyatt asked.
“She’ll probably be moved today or tomorrow to the rehab facility. He’s going to feed our cat while we’re gone. Said it was the least he could do to thank me for finding her.”