Page 13 of Out of Office
“Tropics vetted Adrián before I even arrived in Panamá. They take security real serious. It just takes a call...” I shrugged and finalized inputting all the information for the day’s check-ins. My instinct was to go through the process again to ensure everything was done correctly, but I didn’t want to go into overdrive work mode.
“Well, damn. You told me.” Claudia winked. “I forgot that Adrián was your driver before anything else. Well, enjoy your stay with us. I really appreciate your help today. You should relax for the rest of the two weeks...oh and—” Claudia’s face transformed into a menacing scowl. “You better not break my brother’s heart. He’s gone through a lot these past years. If you hurt him, you’ll have to deal with me.”
Everything in me froze; I kept my face impassive. This morning I had been planning to relax and explore Aguimar on my own; hours later, here I was, being threatened by Adrián’s sister, like the villain in a rom-com. But this was real life, and Claudia needed to chill. I had only the best intentions about my stay here and if those intentions came with a side of dick, then I was all for it. But I wasn’t one to lead people on. I believed in being clear and concise with any expectations.
“Listen, Claudia, I might be quiet, but don’t mistake my silence for anything else but that. I came here for vacation and your brother was kind enough to invite me, I didn’t ask him. I’ll be gone in two weeks, so no need to worry about me hurting your brother, okay? His heart is not in danger here.”
Mine on the other hand...
Claudia let me finish, unperturbed...then she burst into cackles. She threw her hands up, and shrugged, then beamed at me.
“You really believe that, don’t you? Oh God, this is gonna be fun.”
Armed with Claudia’s instruction to find the family quarters, I took the one path that did not connect to the guest rooms. It was easy to find once I realized it was made of pebbles and gravel compared to the smooth cement paths for the rest of the cabanas.
Claudia’s words nagged me, same as the mosquitos buzzing around. No heartbreaking would happen at the end of these two weeks because my heart would not be involved in any of the activities with Adrián—only relaxation and friendship. Her words had gotten close to my nightly dreams about Adrián, and my fantasies of meeting him in Florida instead of in Panamá, and what that would have meant for the two of us. But it was a fantasy, nothing more.
Back to choice two.
A light sweat gathered on my back, thanks to the relentless heat. Not even the slight breeze alleviated the torture. I really hoped Adrián had AC. I’d learned that the ventilation system in many houses in Panamá consisted of an abundance of screened windows and ceiling and standing fans.
With the typical humid heat of the country, how were people productive at all? If it was me, I’d be languishing under four fans and still need a large pitcher of cold lemonade to relax. No wonder Anita had warned me to be strategic about my blowouts. Already my hair felt coilier than the morning.
The vegetation around this path grew thicker, wilder than the manicured trails around the guest quarters. The greenery here had a different quality to it. The trees and plants seemed to bide their time to reclaim the man-made lanes. My lungs filled with clean air and the scent of damp earth as I hoisted my backpack more securely on my back. Adrián had offered to put it away when he took my luggage, but I’d waved him away, focused on the work needed to check in the big group. That had been a mistake.
The path took a sharp right turn into a large clearing adorned by abundant bright pink bougainvillea along the perimeter. Seeing so many beautiful flowers filled me with a sense of rightness. On the opposite side of the clearing stood two cabanas. One was an actual full home, with a cute porch that had the typical Panamanian low cement wall framing the gated entrance, leading to the main door of the flat house. Based on Claudia’s explanation, this was her home. A few yards away from that stood a cabana similar to the ones for guests but larger. Outside, a small open porch boasted a rocking chair, a hammock, and a few planters.
My home for the next two weeks.
A cold, then hot trickle traveled through me as I approached the door. Adrián would be behind that door. We’d be together behind these closed quarters as our connection pulled and tugged, propelling me to make these hasty decisions. When we were together, in the quiet of Adrián’s vehicle, chatting on the way to the Tropics or back home...those moments had become the foundation for each choice, cemented on an undeniable attraction and an unmistakable chemistry. I’d traded my sensible brain for this hot girl summer mentality that made me say yes to anything Adrián offered. And I wasn’t even trying to change that.
I knocked, attempting to chase away my nerves.
“Come in.” Adrián’s deep voice came from within.
Without hesitation, I walked in, trying to prove to myself that the Hot Girl from the morning still lived inside. The whole day had been as if a doppelgänger had taken over my thoughts and behaviors. My shy, reserved nature, which I’d learned to disguise around people, had come to full life around Adrián.
“Welcome,” Adrián said with a sexy smirk, and my lips twitched to mirror his. He leaned against a frosted-glass divider, all relaxed and coiled strength. I looked away before I ended up drooling or something worse, pouncing on him.
The room had a small living area with two wicker chairs and a wicker sofa with comfortable cushions. Windows stood open all around the house, with the necessary screens to keep mosquitos out.
On the opposite side, I spotted a small kitchenette, and right next to it, a working station. A frosted wall stood in the middle as a partial divider between the living area and the bedroom, with open spaces on both sides of the border.
Being in his space appealed to me. It smelled like him, leather and wood, and had assorted knickknacks everywhere. Several different models of tiny homes, vehicles, and even an airplane covered any available flat space, bringing Adrián’s personality to the forefront.
“So, this is your little cabana. It’s cute.”
“Cute, damn. I wasn’t going for cute. More like manly, comfortable, sexy.”
I chuckled at his aggrieved tone and studied all the little details that made this place uniquely Adrián’s. The books stacked on the coffee table in the living area were novels from the look of it. The kitchenette had a bowl full of different fruits. He probably picked them as he navigated around during the day and brought them here. The TV in the living area had a streaming box, but there was a DVD player and a collection of action movies right underneath.
“It’s all those things, as well.” I grinned and closed the door behind me.
Immediately I took off my shoes, not wanting to track dirt in his space.
“Did you just clean up?” The fresh scent of house cleaner permeated the room.
“I did, but for the record, the space was already in order. But an extra cleaning don’t kill nobody. And I changed the sheets on my bed, you’re all good there. Let me show you.”