Page 2 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“So, what then? You think I should just throw my hands up and give in? Let you kidnap me and be thankful? And why, because you’re hot and a good kisser?” At this his eyes widened before narrowing to what I could only class as some ‘movie star smolder’ before he stormed over to me, framed my face with his large hands, and growled down at me,
“I am more than just a fucking good kisser!” Then before I could respond, he proved his point beyond any reasonable doubt and kissed me like it could be his last. I swear, my damn toes curled like that green chick from Wizard of Oz to the point I was close to panting by the time he finished, pulling back enough to tell me,
“And yes, you can class this as being kidnapped.” Then he winked at me, as if being charming and handsome in this picture would help. Okay, so yes, it totally did help in one of those totally irrational, my lady bits wanted me to throw myself at him, kind of way.
“Are you serious?!” I screeched.
“Deadly,” he replied in a body shuddering tone that screamed for me to take caution. Which was why instead of throwing the mother of all shit fits, I released a deep sigh and sat down on the sofa I was standing next to. Then I asked in a deflated tone,
“Why are you doing this to me?” It was a question I emphasized in frustration by tossing my hands up, but even that lacked the luster of the fight because I was clearly getting tired of it all.
“Doing this to you?” he asked. However, his tone was definitely displaying the more angry side of frustration than mine was.
“I don’t understand, why do you keep going to all of these lengths in trying to find me? Why do you want to kidnap me when you know I won’t tell anyone about what happened? Why do you…?”
He quickly cut me off and in the most astonishing way.
“Because I am trying to keep the woman I love, safe!” he shouted, making me gasp.
“The… the… woman you love?” I asked in what was clearly an astonished tone, one he ignored as he continued to steamroll right over my shock.
“Everything I have done, every lead followed, every man-hour spent, every single second I have ensured that you were kept safe, and yet my biggest obstacle has constantly been you.” I swear I was dreaming at this point.
“I… I…” I stammered, unable to form actual words. But Ryker obviously didn’t have this problem.
“You continue to run from me and then ask me why I have gone to the lengths I have. You ask me why, when you are the one forcing my hand to kidnap you,” he argued and, again, I barely knew how to respond to this.
“Erm… okay,” I replied in confusion but again, he seemed to be on a roll here.
“I tell you that men are after you, the fact is then proven and even as I fight to keep you safe, you run from me. How much more can I do to prove myself to care for you? I honestly ask you, Evelyn, what else would you have had me do? What more could I have done to prove myself to…” At this it was my turn to interrupt him.
“Ever thought about just asking me out?” At this he frowned, pausing his rant as if I had just sucked the air right out of his argument.
“Excuse me?” he asked with deadly calm.
“You know, like a date,” I offered because, clearly, he needed me to elaborate here.
“A date?” he repeated, and it seemed the shock of my suggestion hadn’t left him yet.
“Yeah, a date. You know, drinks, dinner, maybe a movie… if it goes well, a kiss at the door.”
“Yes, I am aware of the concept,” he replied, despite his dry comment telling me otherwise.
“The concept? You have dated before, right?” At this he looked even more confused, going so far as to shake his head a little.
“You wanted me to ask you out?” he asked incredulously, as if this was some solely foreign ‘concept’ to him.
“Well yeah, that’s usually how this works when someone likes the other person,” I pointed out but, again, his perplexed face said it all.
“And when exactly was I given the chance to ask you out?” he asked, as if I were being unreasonably crazy.
“Well, maybe after I saved your life outside the office building,” I offered.
“You ran from me!” he shouted back and, well, yeah, I guess he had a point with that one. Although before admitting to the fact, I argued my own point.
“Yes, and did you ever ask yourself why that was?”
“Because you were afraid the cops would be called?” At this I stood up and yelled,