Page 20 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“I… I don’t even know you,” I braved to say for what felt like the millionth time, making him smile before he dipped his head and reminded me,
“Your lips know me.”
“Thinking you’re hot and a good kisser isn’t enough for me to just…”
“Ssshh… you think too much,” he whispered this part over my lips, a pair that foolishly opened for him like he had spoken words of a spell, not a simple observation. Because this was a statement made that ended with his lips on mine and like I said, my treacherous body responded like he had just flipped a switch. I melted into him and, in turn, his hands stroked down my wrists before placing them around his neck and holding them there long enough for me to get the hint.
After this, he granted himself the freedom to lightly caress his way down my spine, before enveloping me in his arms at the same time deepening the kiss.
I practically sighed against his mouth, a pleasured moan escaping me the second his tongue started to duel with mine more firmly. It was a kiss that escalated quickly, and his arms suddenly tightened around my waist before I was picked up to an easier height. I was then left with my feet dangling off the ground, sandwiched between the brick wall at my back and the wall of muscle in front of me.
“Gods, woman, you taste fucking incredible, and I can’t wait to fucking eat you!” At this I froze and started struggling, at the same time, screeching,
“Eat me!?”
He suddenly burst out laughing before telling me,
“Easy, little morsel, I speak of devouring your pleasure, not that of your flesh.”
I shuddered at the thought and most definitely not in a bad way. Christ, just thinking about what it would be like for this man to ‘claim me’ like he said he would… I had never given much thought into having that type of relationship with a man before, but then again, I had never met anyone like Ryker before.
“Although, make no mistake, for I will be soon tasting… every… inch… of… you,” he said while kissing his way up my neck, pausing between each word to nip playfully at my skin. Skin that was half on fire for the man as I squirmed against him, making him tighten his arms.
“I don’t know you,” I half moaned again in a weak attempt at fighting this. At this he pulled back from my neck and gave me an intense look, before warning,
“Soon, Little Bird, soon you will know everything.”
“But?” I asked, because his statement definitely came with one, I could hear it in his tone.
“But now is not the time for this and I am eager to get you on my plane and back to the safety of my own territory.”
“Territory?” I questioned, pushing for more. Unsurprisingly, he gave me none.
“My home, sweetheart,” he reiterated.
“And your home is in Canada?” I asked, remembering something he had said in the hospital about getting their assess back on a plane to there.
“Yes, Toronto, more specifically,” he offered, making me quickly wonder what his life was like there.
“Can you put me down?” I asked, making him smirk.
“I can but I won’t.”
“It feels kinda weird having this conversation with my feet off the ground,” I told him, and his reply was simple, making me cry out in surprise when he suddenly swept my feet up into his arms. Meaning now he was carrying me like something off the front cover of an eighties cheesy romance novel. What was next, a bellowing half button white shirt, and long dark hair with the picture of a pirate ship in the background?
“And now I feel weirder,” I commented dryly, making him laugh. Then without even touching the button, the elevator started up once more and I couldn’t help but yelp in surprise. I wasn’t expecting it.
“How did you…?”
“All in good time, my little bird,” he told me in a satisfied and pleased tone because, clearly, he seemed happy about something. Was it because he felt free to be his natural self with me? Whatever that natural self was…
I didn’t know, only that he seemed as through some weighted secret had just been lifted from him. And speaking of weight, just how was he strong enough to continue to hold me like this without even breaking a sweat? Even after the elevator doors had opened and he was now walking inside an underground garage with me grasped tightly in his arms, he wasn’t breathing heavily.
Duh, Evie, because he wasn’t human, that was why. Which was when it suddenly occurred to me to ask,
“Are you an alien?” At this he stopped dead before actually throwing his head back and howling laughing.
“Well, nice to see someone can tame your foul moods, Ryk,” the blonde man said, now exiting through a metal door and what had no doubt a shit load of stairs behind it. However, it was Ryker’s reply to this that had me near squirming again, because it was undoubtably one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said about me.