Page 22 of Evelyn's Enforcer
Which meant that the second Vander and Faron exited the car, I found myself nervous to be alone with the handsome Devil next to me.
“Holy shit, you’re not the Devil, are you?!” I suddenly blurted out the second it came to me. At this his eyes widened slightly before they crinkled at the sides when granting me a soft look.
“No, sweetheart, I am not the Devil.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” I said after letting out a whoosh of air.
However, the moment I said this I felt him tense beside me before strangely asking,
“Is it?”
In fact, the question took me by surprise. So much so that I faulted with my response,
“I… er… well, it’s just that…”
“Now is not the time for such conversations,” he said abruptly before getting out of the car and leaving me feeling shocked.
“Okaaay,” I muttered, jumping when I heard the door beside me being opened seconds later.
“Allow me,” Ryker said, holding out his hand for me and helping me down from the large SUV. I tried not to take his response to my comment to heart, but it was hard, especially when I felt like I had offended him. But then I also had to question why that was.
Did he have something to do with the Devil?
Oh my God… was he…
A Demon?
Of course, having this thought didn’t help when being faced with his hand held out for me to take. A hand that had done nothing but protect me and fought to keep me safe.
I raised my eyes to his and, there, I found only tenderness looking back down at me. It was a look that said so many things. Like windows to the soul, they drew me in and kept me feeling safe and secure. I may have taken a few unsure moments before putting my hand in his but the second I did, his smile was all the comfort I needed.
It was like he knew I was letting my trust in him grow, and that terrified me more than anything I had seen in the bathroom. Which was why I didn’t even flinch when I felt his hand rest on the base of my spine as he led me toward the plane, and what was to be a new experience for me. But then I also knew that as soon as I got on that plane, I was making myself totally vulnerable and in his hands. Because I didn’t really believe that I was his prisoner, despite doubting that he would let me go without a fight. And well, I knew he had long ago started fighting for my heart.
Now the question remained…
Would he win?
He held out an arm when we reached the steps of the plane, telling me silently to go first. I wondered if this was the gentleman in him, or more to do with the fact that he didn’t trust that I wouldn’t try running from him the moment his back was turned? I guess, in that regard, I wasn’t the only one struggling with trust.
I entered the plane and couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of such luxury. Of course, we weren’t alone; Vander and Faron were already in their seats ready for takeoff.
Both were so very different from one another. Faron was already set up and looked ready to work, with his laptop open in front of him. As for Vander, he already had a drink in hand and was spread out on the sofa, eyeing up the air stewardess like a hungry wolf. But then my eyes landed on two faces that I recognized and, once again, I realized just how deep Ryker’s deception and planning to kidnap me had lay.
“Evelyn, let me introduce you to the other members on my council.”
“Your council?” I questioned, but with a slight shake of his head it was enough to tell me this was yet another thing that would have to wait for an explanation.
“As you already know, this is Katra and her brother Kenzo.” I nodded in acknowledgement, but that was as much as I would give them because it seemed most people, at one time or another, had worked with Ryker to deceive me.
The one called Kenzo, he had been the limo driver that had taken me to the club. And Katra, she had been the one to dangle the carrot in front of me when first sitting down in a booth at the shitty diner I had worked in. A carrot that had led me to this point. Of course, I knew they had only been doing their jobs and what Ryker had ordered them to do. So just how much I could hold it against them, I didn’t know. I guess orders were orders in Ryker’s world, and he seemed like the type that was used to being obeyed.
The third extra person on this flight included another man I instantly recognized as he turned to face us. He had, admittedly, fucking terrified me on the night of the heist. The bald head alone was enough in identifying him as being the asshole who was rough with me.
“And this is Hadrian, also known as Hades. He is head of my security and now yours as well.” I visibly took a step back and landed against Ryker, who was standing behind me. His hands instantly came to my shoulders to steady me.
“Looks like she remembers you, dickhead,” Van said mockingly, only chuckling when the big brute, Hades, gave him a dark look in return. However, Ryker must not have liked my reaction to him and my obvious fear of the huge, beast of a man, because he tucked me in by his side and told his security guy,
“And of course, he is more than willing to apologize for his treatment of you that night, aren’t you, Hades?” Ryker said, as if knowing exactly why I had reacted this way and, clearly, he was making a point to make it right by the tone in his politely spoken demand. Hades bristled slightly at this, but he eventually released his obvious frustration with a sigh before stepping forward and telling me,