Page 40 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“Ah yes, I did manage to elude you a time or two.” A reply he growled at, making me chuckle. I was quickly getting used to the sounds and the differences between them.
“Yes, well it was not a skill I was praising you for having, that was for damn certain,” he grumbled, making me bite my lip to stop from smiling. But because I needed to express how I felt, I did this the only way I knew how. So, I told him,
“Well, I’m not running anymore.” To which I felt his hand come to my face before turning me to face him, and awarding me to a look that would have made my legs weaken. Because it was clear that saying this had meant a great deal to him. Something that was confirmed when he lowered his lips to mine and spoke over them, sealing his gratitude with a kiss.
“Thank you.” Then once it was finished, I gripped onto his shoulders to stop him from going too far and told him boldly,
“I know how you can really thank me.” Another growl I understood was my answer as his grip tightened on me. But despite the want I saw in his heated gaze, he still asked,
“You’re not still sore?”
I shook my head, telling him no, I wasn’t. Because despite the tenderness, it was nothing compared to the pain of wanting him and having to wait. Which was why I decided to be bolder still, this time turning fully so I could straddle his lap. His hands instantly came to my hips, holding me there as if he feared I would change my mind.
Like I would.
Like I ever could.
Not now I knew what it was like to be his. To feel this way. It was as if my soul was singing, my blood carrying that song straight to my heart. I felt powerful. I felt strong. But most of all, I felt happy. Truly happy, and not just the feeling I told myself I felt.
I felt like I was finally living a life.
Not a lie.
Because he was my truth. My anchor to this happy place I never wanted to leave. Which was why I needed to feel that deeper connection once more, just to assure myself that it hadn’t all been a dream. A dream that wouldn’t shatter the moment I opened my eyes, for this time the sight they saw was my incredible reality. A reality I could touch, starting with my hand dipping under the water between us so I could take his hard cock in hand. A steely length, more than ready to take me. Then I guided it to my pussy, one aching and needy for him.
“Gods,” he hissed the moment my hand wrapped around him. I lifted myself up, keeping the head positioned at the ready to lower myself down over him. His hands gripped me tighter the moment I did, making us both sigh with pleasure.
“My insatiable girl,” he hummed against my neck, before kissing his way down to my breasts. And as if it was the most natural response in the world, my back arched, pressing them further into his face. I was quickly rewarded for this bold behavior when he got the hint by taking a nipple into his mouth.
I cried out at the first bite of pain his teeth created as he rolled the hard tip between them. This combined with the way I lowered down over his hard length was enough to have me near coming in seconds. My hands at his shoulders tensed and my nails drew lines across his skin, making him growl against my nipple.
“Oh shit… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…” I started to say when I realized I might have hurt him. But he left my breast and snagged the back of my neck in a tight grip, dragging my lips to his,
“Don’t ever apologize to me again, not when you sit upon my cock and gift me with the pleasure it gives you,” he ordered sternly, making me gasp at the dark, commanding edge to his voice.
“I…” I was cut off as he growled down at me,
“Now make me fucking bleed!” he snarled before kissing me deeper, at the same time gripping my ass in his hands and taking over my movements by lifting me up and down over him. I moaned in his mouth as the pleasure built until only seconds later, and it ended in a scream as my first orgasm ripped through me. Which meant this time when my nails scratched across his skin, I couldn’t help the marks I made, throwing my head back and crying out. He feasted on my breasts once more, creating one release to roll straight into the next.
I swear, I was near mindless as I continued to come, missing the exact moment he did, as his roar matched that of my screams. Our movements slowed and I let my head fall forward on to his chest, panting through the wonderful aftermath. His large hand cupped the back of my head, holding me tenderly to him. And as a result, I felt my eyes start to close.
Now falling asleep to the sound of his beating heart.
One that I knew…
Loved me.
That night, falling asleep in his arms was one of the most blissful experiences I had ever had. I had never slept with anyone before yet, despite this, being held by Ryker I knew was on another level. Because, I had never felt so safe, so treasured before in my entire life.
It started when I woke up to find myself being carried from the bathroom wrapped in a large towel. I even found myself warning,
“We will get the bed wet.”
“When it comes to my bed, the only thing I care for is that you are in it. Now ssshh and go back to sleep, Little Dove,” he told me, making me smile as he lay me down. But then, when he didn’t follow me, I sat up and found my hand reaching out to take his hand, stopping him from walking away. His reaction to this was to look down at my hand in his before his eyes rose to meet my own, the question there was easy to see.