Page 5 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“How about crazy, psycho, stalker… do you have a clear definition of what those things are?!” I snapped, actually making the crazed bastard shrug his large shoulders and smirk.
“Oh my god, you’re bat shit!” I groaned, throwing up my arms dramatically.
“The truth is that I could stand here and lie. I could tell you all the things you want to hear, like how I am sorry for invading your privacy. That I never wanted to take it any further than simply watching you while you slept,” he told me. I gasped, his words only managing to drive home the gravity of what he had done.
“Oh, so I should appreciate your psycho stalker honesty, is that it?!”
“I am not seeking your appreciation, Evelyn, just you’re understanding,” he told me.
“And what is it that I am supposed to understand exactly? Other than you’re obviously mentally unstable!” At this he gave me a pointed look in return and told me,
“Something I will explain should you be willing to listen without hurling further abuse at me.”
“Further abuse… Jesus Christ, Ryker, you deserve far worse and should count yourself lucky I’m not attacking your gorgeous head with a damn stapler!” I snapped, making him focus on entirely the wrong thing.
“Well, I will take gorgeous over psycho.”
“Yes, well even crazy people can be hot, Ryker, so I wouldn’t focus too much on that part if I were you,” I retorted with a roll of my eyes.
“I will take them where I can get them, sweetheart,” was his smooth reply. Despite how nice as the endearment was, I still acted as if it wasn’t appreciated.
“Less of the sweetheart and more of the explaining,” I demanded, making him release a sigh before informing me,
“I didn’t trust anyone else to keep you safe.”
Okay, so this sounded more like a confession and less like the actions of a guilty man. It also managed to take some of the anger from me. Some, not all of it.
“Ryker, I can look after…”
“No, Evelyn, you can’t. Because unlike you, I can see what is lurking in the dark,” he interrupted, and I swear his eyes started to change at this. But it must have been a trick of light.
“Yes, and after today, I realize that it was you.”
He growled at this before snapping,
“No, I was the one there ensuring they never got a single chance to take you. Of course, that would be a damn sight easier to do if you didn’t continue to run from me,” he countered irritably.
“Excuse me for wanting to get myself away from crazy people who want to kidnap me!” I shouted.
“And look where that got you, or have you forgotten the man with a gun to your head? If my men and I hadn’t been there, then they would have taken you and what then, Evie?!” he asked, making me try and think of what to say. Which, in the end, made my own voice sound unsure as I tried to argue,
“I… I would have…”
“What? Risked your life trying to escape and no doubt ended up being shot. So yes, I kidnapped you, and clearly, have done so again. But at least you’re safe. At least you’re still breathing.”
“So, what, that’s it? I just spend the rest of my life with you and…”
“Have I hurt you?” he asked, interrupting me.
I thought back to what I said to him the last time he asked me that, and decided not to throw the fact that I was forced to throw up the drugs he had given me out of my system again. However, the look on my face must have said it all, because he quickly added,
“I regret giving you the drugs, but I am afraid you forced my hand.” I narrowed my eyes at him when he said this.
“Oh right, I forced you to drug me… sure, sure.”
“I needed you compliant, something I knew I would not get when your first thought was to start screaming for help. I needed to get you somewhere safe, in an environment that I could control so as we could talk.” I looked around the office and spread my arms wide, telling him in a sarcastic tone,
“Well, here it is, Ryker, your safe, control environment… so have fucking at it!” I shouted, losing my cool once again.