Page 57 of Evelyn's Enforcer
I was fucking terrified!
But then the agonizing minutes ticked by, and I watched as they carried another girl in. It gave my mind something else to be focus on. It gave me another to be concerned for, and I watched them carry the curly haired blonde over their shoulder, up the staircase that I could see had now been moved over to the next tank. It was clear she was still unconscious because she didn’t even stir as they lowered her inside, doing so with a little more care, considering they obviously didn’t want her to drown. Not like my punishment after trying to escape.
But I was more concerned now for the other girl, fearful that she would slip from where they had put her, and she would drown regardless. Because even the water lapping at her legs didn’t manage to wake her, knowing that it was left up to me to try and do something.
I was worried about what they could have done to her. Whether or not she could be hurt. Had I seen her bang her head when they lowered her in? I couldn’t remember, but as I looked down at the water in my own tank with fear in my eyes, I closed them and tried to breathe through it. Now telling myself I needed to help her if I could. So, I let go of my death grip with one hand, using it to scoot closer to her side of the tank and then when I assured myself I had a good hold, I banged my palm on the glass as hard as I could.
“Wake up!” I cried out.
“Fucking be quiet, the guests are arriving,” one of the masked men hissed at me.
“Fuck off and die!” I shouted back, making him walk back over to the lever and just when he was about to pull it down, warning me with the obvious threat, someone else came and stopped him.
“Not yet, you know our orders,” he said, making the man visibly grit his teeth before warning,
“Your time is nearly up, bitch, so go ahead, enjoy screaming while you can! Who knows, hearing your panic might make them spend more.”
I ignored his threat and continued trying to wake up the girl. Christ, she was so small, she looked like a porcelain doll, with her riot of tight blonde curls and cute face.
“WAKE UP!” I screamed, banging harder on the glass than before and wishing I was as strong as Ryker, knowing it would most certainly have cracked by now.
Fuck me, I missed him, and not just how helpful his obvious strength would have been in this moment. But I simply missed him. Even in the short time we had spent together, I realized now how much I wanted more. How badly I could see my life with him, despite what he was.
I just didn’t care; I had known the worst humanity had to offer and knew that the real demons of this world weren’t just from Hell. Because Ryker was one man I knew would never hurt me, who would protect me and care for me. He had offered me but a glimpse of what it would be like to be with him. And now, I wanted more.
I wanted it all.
Hence the cruel twist of fate I was now facing… the irony wasn’t lost on me. The moment I had decided that I was done with running from him turned out to be the very moment I was taken. Making me now wonder about the other girl, asking myself if she was in the same predicament. Did she too mean something to one of the men in Ryker’s world?
Well, regardless, if she was or not, I knew I had to help her. So, I continued with my screams, my shouts, my banging, doing so until my palm was red and sore. It didn’t matter, I wouldn’t stop until my hand was bleeding by the knuckles and my voice was hoarse.
“You need to wake up! Oh, please wake up,” I said, this time in a deflated shout, having done this for what felt like a small forever. But then finally she started to move, and I sucked in a quick breath of utter relief.
“Oh, thank God, you’re not hurt,” I said, trying to get closer, and when I nearly slipped, I freaked out as the water splashed up my legs.
“Where are we?” she asked, her voice strained and dazed as if she had been drugged, which given my previous experience, was more than likely.
“We are in a place called the London Psychiatric Hospital in Ontario. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time. They dragged me in here, but you were already unconscious,” I told her, already knowing a lot more of the place thanks to my time trying to escape. But then, it was doubtful she had seen what I had, perhaps coming straight from a cell like I had woken up in.
She was also wearing the same thing I was, meaning it was likely she had been forcibly changed. Perhaps after the experience they’d had with me, they most likely decided not to take any more chances.
“What do they want with us?” she asked after first taking the time to look at her surroundings, no doubt doing as I did and trying to find a weakness or means of escape.
“I don’t know, but while I have been held captive, I’ve heard people talking about an auction,” I told her, unable to help myself shivering now the adrenaline of trying to wake her up had left me. But then this wasn’t surprising as the water was ice cold, and no doubt made me as pale as the other woman looked.
In fact, I was just about to ask her name and where she was from when a booming voice interrupted my thoughts.
My wide eyes immediately went to the curtain-wall in front of us, waiting for the moment it would inevitably drop.
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. We start this year’s auction with the long-awaited treasures of Heaven, I give you two of the Lost Sirens!” My mind whirled, now hearing what Ryker had called me more than once, wondering why the fuck everyone seemed to think I was one of these Sirens?
Of course, seconds later and like I knew it would, the curtain fell from the ceiling. I gasped at the sight of the sea of people now filling the hall, and I knew then that I had been right in thinking of staying away from this room when I had been running and came across the map.
Of course, my new friend and I weren’t the only ones to gasp, because I suddenly knew what it felt like to be an animal displayed at the zoo. All those eager faces staring back at us, whispering among themselves like we were some rare creatures found in a magical lagoon.
The sight sickened me, making me focus on the room itself instead of the despicable people all here ready to bid on us like fucking prized cattle! But this was also when I saw it was no longer dark outside as daylight penetrated the dirty windows, or should I say, what was left of them. Broken floor boards had all been pushed to the sides so the space could be filled with what looked like hundreds of people all sitting on chairs. Each of them were wearing expensive finery, and holding paddles ready to give the auctioneer their number for the winning bid.