Page 66 of Evelyn's Enforcer
Something which brought me back to now and how I was standing in front of a gorgeous full-length gilded mirror, close to asking myself who was the fairest of all. And I hoped the answer was at least giving me a seven out of ten.
Of course, the dress was a knockout, but knowing he’d had it made with me in mind, then I didn’t even want to think of how much it cost. But then one glance at the marble freakin’ statue of me, and again, enough dollar signs flashed up that I didn’t even want to think of the cost of that either.
But then again, here I was, standing in his golden horde, so clearly money wasn’t a big deal to someone like Ryker. But to me, it had always been a struggle. Which was why being here now, like this, was both out of my comfort zone and out of my reality. However, one thought back to the way Ryker had smiled at me when I told him my thoughts, and it was enough to calm my nerves. Because clearly, he wanted me here and now it was time to find out exactly what he had planned.
So, after one last look in the mirror, checking my hair, that I had pinned into barrel curls over to one side and tried to apply the same make up as last time, I braved walking to the door. The long, slim ballgown that flared out at the skirt in a mermaid style, had me holding it up as I walked just like last time. The heavy weight of the exquisite demask pattern in sparkling gold sequins was one I remembered. Its sweetheart neckline, with little shoulder strap sleeves meant wearing a bra was out of the question, instead I just grabbed just a pair of sexy lace panties and left behind the bra to match. The dress fitted me like a glove and made me feel amazing. I hoped that Ryker liked it this time just as much as he had the first.
Which was why I was hoping that I looked similar to how I had done that night, because it was clear Ryker was trying to recreate a moment. Also making me wonder if what he had planned for me was how he would have hoped that night in the club would have gone… had I not run from him and instead woken up with him by my side.
Of course, being able to recreate that night hadn’t just been thanks to the dress, because Ryker hadn’t lied when he told me I should find everything I need, including a new pair of gold strappy shoes to match. It also made me wonder how long he intended for us to stay here, as I had to confess, the idea of being locked away with Ryker made my body shiver, and not in a bad way.
More like I was now living in a sexual fantasy, kind of way.
But then this became even more real and closer to being just that, when I walked out and found him ready for me. And when I say ready for me, what I really focused on was the bed of gold now situated in the very middle of his horde. It was like some kind of sacred shrine, and I could only imagine what we would soon be doing on it. Or should I say, what he would be doing to me on it.
Speaking of the man, he was standing there, now holding a glass of champagne, the bottle I recognized as being the same I had enjoyed before. An endearing fact he kept remembering and therefore it was one I continued to receive. But then the champagne was the very least of my thoughts right now, seeing as I was more mesmerized by the man who held it. Especially as he was now dressed in the same dark suit he had that night, looking even more handsome because now I could see his face.
Of course, I could also allow myself the time to really admire the look of him, because before he had scared the crap out of me. But that was back when I had no idea what he wanted with me and when I believed him to be some mob boss or something. Who knew I would find him being a Demon more appealing?
As for right now, well I wasn’t the only one drinking in my fill and his eyes scanned the length of me just as his motions became slow and more predatory. Then with only two words and a jerk of his fingers, I became a puppet in the skills of this master.
“Come here.”
I did as I was told and tried not to look like a combination of uncool things. Like nervous, clumsy, too eager to please, or the worst one, self-conscious. But then this was easier said than done in sight of such a man, which is why self-conscious and nervous took center stage.
“That night, you looked exquisite,” he told me, making me blush when his hand came up and he ran his thumb over my freckled cheeks, ones I didn’t try to hide under make up because I knew he liked them.
“But now without the mask…” He paused to take a breath before telling me in earnest, “…fucking perfection.”
He growled just as his hand slid to the side of my head, embedding his fingers in my hair and pulling my face up to his as he kissed me. This time it was hard and all consuming, like he was trying to brand not only the sight of me to his memory but the taste of me to that of his Demonic soul. I couldn’t help but let my head fall back, where he cradled my head to deepen the kiss from above.
“Gods, girl, you drive me wild for you,” he said, before lifting me in his arms and carrying me over to the bed, one that I could see better now.
It was unlike anything I had ever seen before and not just some gaudy bed painted gold. But it looked as if it had been made with the Gods in mind. As if some sorcerer had commanded an ocean of gold and while casting his hands outward, it had created two waves and remained frozen like that. This then left a space in the center for the actual bed part to go.
Although surprisingly, the sheets were black silk, making it look like liquid flowed over the mattress and between the sections of the wave design at its lowest. But this wasn’t all, because there was also a golden canopy, like four bare twisted trees had been dipped in gold and positioned at each corner. As if the golden flood had flowed around the roots of them. Then from where all the branches entwined, there were hundreds of lengths of thick golden ribbon acting as curtains either side of the bed.
It was incredible and like something straight out of a fairytale.
“That’s not a bed, that’s art,” I told him, making him grin, telling me,
“Not yet it isn’t, but it soon will be.” This was cryptic to say the least, and only managed to add to the anticipation and my nervousness. But then as he lay me down on the bed, he rose back up and just stood there and watched me.
“I… erm…” I made a sound because I was unsure what to do.
“Easy, sweetheart, I am just taking in this moment so as I may always remember the beauty before me,” he told me, making me blush. But then after I started to squirm under his heated gaze, I pushed myself up, leaning back on my arms, so I wasn’t lying flat.
“Are you… are you going to come join me?” I asked in an unsure tone and again, he seemed to be feeding from my apprehension.
“I will indeed but first, I have to ask if you trust me?”
I frowned at that, wondering where this was coming from. Or more like why?
“Let me be more specific… do you trust me when it comes to your body, Evelyn?” I swallowed hard and thought back on how he had taken such care with me for my first time. How he cared about my pleasure and not just taking his own. How well he seemed to know my body already and the way he treated it as if it was precious to him. So, because of all this, naturally, I told him,
“Yes, I do.” At this he grinned and told me,
“Good, then I want you to prove it by letting me have my way with you tonight.” I swallowed hard before repeating uncertainly,