Page 74 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“Oh Ryker.”
“It’s okay, baby, I’m right here and I am not going anywhere,” he told me softly, making me grip on tighter, making his words a reality.
“How did he die?” he asked, making me pull back after my tears eased so I could tell him the bitter end.
“I picked up the gun and shot him.” He didn’t seem surprised by this, no, in fact, he seemed relieved.
“Good, I hope the fucker experienced a slow and painful death.” At this my eyes widened, and I pulled back a little in shock,
“Ryker, I shot a man dead. I killed him, that makes me a murderer.”
“No, it makes you a survivor, there is a vast difference, Evie,” he stated, making me shake my head a little before telling him,
“Not in the eyes of the law.”
“Do I look like a fucking policeman to you?” he asked, making me admit,
“Well, I did start to think you were one with the way you kept trying to chase me down.”
“And we will come back to that… but my point is, I don’t give a fuck what the law says, he got only some of what he deserved, for if it had been me, I would have made him bleed for weeks.” I swallowed hard at that, seeing now that he was not exaggerating.
“I am a Demon, sweetheart, what do you think I do to people that wrong me?” I pulled back a bit, starting to see this murderous side of him and it was making me nervous.
“Okay, and I was worried you would think differently of me when you knew.” At this he looked as if I had just lost my mind and well, after his last statement, I could now see why.
“How could I possibly think differently of you? Other than already knowing how incredibly brave you are and just having had it proven again, but at a much younger age, how could you ever think I would judge you for your actions?” he asked, clearly astonished.
“Well, said like that, now I don’t know and feel foolish,” I admitted, making him sigh.
“Good and so you should, for had you not killed him, then that would have certainly been next on my to-do list.” My eyes widened at that.
“Wow, just like that?” I asked, not sure if I wanted the answer or not.
“Yes, sweetheart, just like that… nobody hurts my girl and gets to live another day,” he stated firmly, making me quick to point out,
“You didn’t even know me back then.”
“No, but even if years had passed, the offence of hurting you and your mom, is still one I would have punished him for. One I would have killed him for, no matter how much time had passed between,” he told me, and I would have been yet another fool had I not taken him seriously.
“Well, I made sure he wouldn’t come back, because I shot him until he fell backward over the bridge. However, that doesn’t seem to stop me from having waking nightmares about him,” I said, feeling free now to talk about those times.
“You still dream of him?”
“Yeah, but it’s when I see him when I’m awake that’s the worst. Like he’s a ghost stalking me.” At this he frowned and asked in a stern tone,
“You have seen him in the day?”
“Yes, but it’s all just in my head, my mind playing cruel tricks on me,” I said, trying to assure him, only this didn’t exactly happen.
“Since when?” he asked, and his tone started to worry me.
“The last few months. Before that, they were just dreams, nightmares I would wake from. Now they have obviously manifested into something more.” Ryker didn’t like the sound of this, I could tell the second that tick was back in his jaw like he was grinding his teeth.
“And you’re sure he died that night?”
“Ryker, I shot him right before he fell off a bridge,” I pointed out.