Page 9 of The HellBeast's Soul
It was, after all, the only reason they would come here. But as for me, it turned out there was far more than just the one person I had thought to save.
But now I could add revenge to my cause. Because the only death the audience would see this day was the Summoner bitch, because she was going down, or I would die trying!
She sauntered over to Jared, stopping with enough space between her and the book. I also noticed that she didn’t get too close to Jared either, a man who looked furious and ready to break out of his skin if it meant a chance at killing her himself.
“How disappointing, as I can see now that you are determined to die right alongside them, which I’m afraid I just can’t have,” she said, after first motioning for the crowd to quieten and shaking her head, sighing as if this wasn’t going to plan. Which made me wonder, what she was talking about? Did she not intend to kill Jared? Was this just all some sick form of punishment?
“Then quit these sick games of yours and send us back to our cells, or let us die as warriors, for I don’t fucking care which!” Jared snarled back, making me take in a deep breath at the sound of his strong voice. One so full of purpose and resolve.
He took my breath away.
I saw Marcus mutter something, as well as the other Demon, who I had no idea the name of as I had never seen him before. However, the next voice echoing in the space wasn’t that of my man. But the bitch who obviously wanted him for herself.
“No, I think not, but you are right, my plans will have to change,” Niniane said, causing Jared to narrow his gaze at her before warning,
“I stand with them till the end, Niniane.” And again, I couldn’t have been prouder of the type of man that Jared was to his core. Because it was clear now that this was his punishment. To be forced to watch people he cared for as they fell, one by one, before being forced to become a part of her collection… the idea sickened me.
“Yes, but the end is when I say it is and as for you, well I am just afraid you will have to imagine how it ends for those you care for back in your prison cell,” she replied, obviously knowing now that Jared wouldn’t stop fighting, and nor would he stop trying to sacrifice himself.
So being forced back to his cell was only adding to his punishment as he roared out in undiluted fury,
“NO!” This was as I watched in horror as glowing green bars appeared from behind him before coiling around him like ghostly serpents. The sight had me quickly covering my mouth to stifle the gasp of shock. I swallowed a sob, forcing myself not to give myself away but fuck me, it was hard. I just wanted to go running to him! I just wanted to rip away each of the bars that bound him, hating to see him this way. Because I had never seen him look so helplessly angry before.
The way he shot panicked eyes to his brother who, in turn, closed his eyes as if ready to accept his fate. This before looking back to the bitch that had done this to him, as he issued one last threat,
“I swear it on my fucking soul, Niniane, I will fucking kill you!” To which she started laughing like some evil witch about to rub her hands together in some villainous way. She even dared to step closer, and I knew this was my chance to do the same toward the book. And with all eyes now on the scene playing out in front of them, I slipped by and even closer, doing so unnoticed.
“Oh yeah, you and whose army?” she asked mockingly, and this was when I finally hit my limit because I knew it was now or never!
“He doesn’t need an army, bitch, he has me!” I shouted out, making sure she heard me. Which meant that when Niniane turned to face me and snarled, I knew that I had made a big enough statement. Now it was time to prove it with action and, holy fucking hell, I hoped to the Gods that this worked like last time.
But well, if I was going to go down, then I would go down as a bad ass bitch, which is why I threatened in a voice not even I recognized,
“Now let my HellBeast go!”
“Oh, I will let him go alright, but as for you, I think it’s time you get a glimpse of my power,” Niniane said arrogantly, before flinging her hand back and forcing the bars to drag Jared away, making his HellBeast side roar out in anger as he fought to try and get free. But then my eyes left his struggling form and turned back to the threat I now faced. Which meant that when I reached out with my hand hovering over the book, feeling its power hum like a drum beat against my palm, I told her,
“Why would I need that…? When you can just have a taste of mine!” I threatened before finally grabbing the Book of Souls and just like last time, the book responded.
Giving me enough cause to arrogantly tell her,
“Now it’s my turn!”
As Jared was dragged away, I let my anger ignite in the form of green flames that engulfed my body like pure Demonic energy licking at my skin. It didn’t burn or hurt in any way, but felt more like a protective barrier around me, almost like armor for my mortal body.
But one look at the horror on Niniane’s face, and I knew I wouldn’t need it. If there was only one emotion to pinpoint on her face other than pure shock, it was the fear that I enjoyed the most. Especially when she looked to her creatures now turning as one toward me, as if at the ready to do my bidding… not hers.
Wide eyes of panic scanned the arena as she turned slowly, now taking it all in. Eyes that grew hard by the time they came back to me, as if she still had the power to do something to stop this. But soon she would know that it was useless to even try, because she suddenly thrust her arms out toward the book and tried with all her might to call it back. However, the second it didn’t budge from hovering in front of me, I allowed myself to look up from its cover and grin.
“I warned you, Niniane… I told you that I would be seeing you soon and that when I did, I would have no fucking mercy!” I told her, proving this when I made the book flip open and ran a single finger down its page. Then when I looked up to see which of the Demons was glowing in response, I only had to nod toward Niniane, thus silently giving him the order to fight her. Her body reacted to this, turning to face him and trying to draw up the last of her power to stop the attack. But it sparked and diminished a few times before she realized that it was a fight that she couldn’t ever hope to win. All she could do was try to dodge it before it was about to rain down a killing blow, making her scream out,
“STOP!” I held my hand up and made him take a step back. She struggled to her feet then and said,
“Okay, okay, so now you have my powers… but… but you will still need me.” I grinned at that and walked closer, the book floating next to me. Meanwhile, Orthrus, Marcus, and their unknown friend were watching the scene play out with only two of them looking shocked. As for Marcus, he had a big evil grin on his face as if he knew that this was how it was all going to play out in the end. Orth looked as if he couldn’t believe what was now happening, whereas the other guy looked at me with something that was almost akin to worship.