Page 22 of The Game Maker
“I'll take the punishment,” Seven says, more insistent, this time to me. “It's okay. I can't watch him force himself on you.”
Our captor laughs at this. “Oh, believe me, it won't be forced. Our Kate has a secret. She wants me. And she hates herself for it. But she does want me. We have a connection. I felt it. I felt the way she surrendered in the dungeon and gave herself over to me.”
“She's terrified of you!”
“Yes. But her desire runs far deeper than her fear. And she's so grateful for the way I awakened her to a new level of pleasure she didn't even know she could feel.” He turns to me then. “Tell me, Kate, and be honest, you know how I hate lies. You've thought about what it would be like when I fucked you. You've gotten aroused by it. Haven't you?”
I can't stand to say these words out loud, but I’m sure he will punish me again much worse if I lie. “Y-yes, Master.”
“So, see, Seven... it actually won't be some big horror for her to let me inside her pretty pussy. What bothers her is that you will watch and maybe judge her just a little for what a dirty whore she is. And you will watch. I would hate for her to have to degrade herself like this only for you to cheat on our game. Then I'll have to fuck her and punish you.”
“Listen to me, you don't have to do this. I’ll take the punishment,” Seven says, his hazel gaze capturing mine before I look away again.
I notice he's not saying my name. He knows what will happen if he does.
Our captor notices it, too. “Oh yes,” he says. “I forgot. You don't have anything to call her. Hmmm. If I'm going to share ownership, you need a pet name for her. How do you feel about Slut?”
Seven practically roars. He's so angry that for a moment I'm almost more afraid of him than our captor. Despite his evil, our captor remains calm, calculated. He doesn't do anything without thinking five moves ahead. But Seven is pure, raw emotion. Pure anger. He jerks on the chains so hard a part of me thinks he actually can pull them out of the wall and somehow save me... save us.
But the chains are solid, bolted into the concrete, too strong for even the greatest anger and protective instinct to break.
“Okay. No Slut,” our captor says. “You could have just vetoed the choice. For fuck's sake. You are such a drama queen.” He paces like he's really thinking this through. “So something cute then? Something sweet? How about Kitten?”
Seven catches my gaze, and there’s a question there. I nod. I like Kitten. And I would especially like it coming out of Seven's mouth, which makes it seem impossible that our captor will actually allow us this small kindness.
“Excellent. Kitten it is, then. See how easy that was? Not everything has to be a fight, Seven. Not every discussion is a dragon for you to slay. We can come to terms you and I. We can share her. We already know how much you enjoy her. So let's enjoy her together.”
Seven ignores the taunt and turns back to me. “Kitten, let me take the punishment. You have a choice. Use it.”
I shake my head. “I can't, Master.”
He flinches almost imperceptibly when I say this, but I'm afraid if I don't use the title, more punishment will come to me.
“Good girl,” our captor says softly, reaching down to pet my hair. “You're learning.”
I lean into his touch without thought.
Every word out of his mouth is true. I don't emotionally want him, but my body craves him. A twisted part of me does want to know what it feels like to have him moving inside of me. How will he fuck me? Will he be rough like Seven was in the shower? Or will he maintain this calculated calm?
And I do hate myself for this. He is evil. He can do any terrible thing he wants to either of us. This man quite literally has no soul. No conscience. There’s nothing behind his eyes beyond the simple amusement of his game and we, his pawns. We are the pieces he moves around his game board with impunity.
I can only hope he truly doesn't get bored and that his creativity doesn't turn to brutal torture. It feels like he's inside my head. I'm sure he studies and analyzes me with the help of his cameras. Always. He studies Seven, too.
He knows exactly which button to push with me and exactly when and how to push it. This is the most terrifying thing about him—how smart he is. I've never known somebody this smart. If he had been violent from the start with me, I might have quickly rushed to obey him, but it would have been only out of fear.
And I do fear him, more than anything I've ever feared. But he’s right; the desire is louder. And it wouldn't be there if he hadn't been so patient, so gentle with me so far. Yes, he's punished me, and it hurt, but he hasn't done any of the extremely violent things he could have so easily done. And he didn't rape me. And it isn't because he isn't capable of these things. I saw that clearly enough on Seven's back.
All of this combines with his physical beauty to create this gratefulness and need—this sick part of me that finds myself wanting to please him to pay him back for these small kindnesses.
But I don't kid myself about this. He wants to break me. He is breaking me. But he wants to do it with pleasure. That's the cruelest way to do it. I know this, but still I want him. And though I feel a deep shame at the idea of Seven watching me fall... the throbbing wetness, this continuing and growing ache between my legs tells me, part of me wants him to watch.
“Make your choice, Kate. Let me fuck you while Seven watches, or let our noble hero take another punishment for you.”
“Kitten...” Seven says. It comes out a low rumbling growl.
Our captor is right. There’s this bizarre connection between us. I know what I'll choose, and I know exactly how he wants me to phrase it. I know what will please him the most to hear.
So I look up at him, still kneeling on the floor. My lip trembles as I say, “Please, Master, fuck me.”