Page 3 of The Game Maker
Another dark thought pushes its way into my mind. No one is going to be looking for me. Does the man who took me know that? Andrew sure as shit won't look or file a police report.
My landlady might not realize why I didn't pack my things up first, but as nice as Carolyn is, she'll just be glad she doesn't have to have me forcibly removed. She isn't going to report my disappearance to the police. What disappearance? I've been evicted. I'm not supposed to be there.
There is no reality now but me and my captor. I'm trying desperately not to think about the reasons this man took me. To rape me? To kill me? To torture me? He sure as shit isn't going to let me go when he's done with whatever's on his nefarious agenda. I know you can't appeal to a sociopath, and nobody normal does something like this.
Still, I can't help begging. “P-please don't hurt me.”
“I won't,” he says.
“You can let me go,” I say. “I won't say anything.”
“I can't let you go. I didn't put you in here.”
“What?” For a moment, my confusion overtakes my fear. What does he mean he didn't put me in here? Of course he did. Who the fuck can he blame? The invisible demon perched on his shoulder?
He shakes his head slowly. “I'm in the same boat as you, sweetheart.”
I glance back and forth between us. He has clothes on, and they don't look like he's worn them for days. Meanwhile, I'm naked. We are not in the same boat.
“I don't believe you,” I say. “You're playing with me somehow.”
He shrugs. “Believe what you want, but I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe with me.”
I know it's some kind of trick. He wants me to trust him so he can turn the tables on me. Sick bastard. But for the moment, he isn't lunging toward me; he isn't getting up from his spot on the ground.
So I take this time to get a better sense of where I am. It’s a plain gray cell, not really much to see. And actually there is one thing in here—a large mattress. It actually looks nice, like it recently came out of some upscale mattress warehouse. It isn't dirty or dingy, and it looks like it's comfortable. It's larger than a full-sized, but probably not a king. There are no pillows, sheets, or blankets, though.
The mattress is on the floor next to the guy, like he's guarding it. Behind him and to one side are heavy long chains bolted into the wall. I look behind me to find there are also heavy chains bolted into the wall behind me. I bite back the urge to scream or cry again. It won't do me any good. I have to try to keep it together.
There’s a slot in the wall that looks big enough to pass food through but not much else. And there’s a door that looks like it has a lot of security on it. But it's not the only door.
To my right, there’s another doorway. There’s no actual door on it but, instead, a bamboo beaded curtain that almost reaches the ground. Light streams out from it into the cell, and I realize suddenly that this other room is the only source of light.
“What's in there?” I ask, pointing in the direction of the mystery room.
“Bathroom,” he says.
I still don't believe this guy is another innocent victim. He seems way too large and in charge, and strong, to ever be in this kind of situation. But as long as he's going to pretend, I'll pretend with him.
“What's your name?” I ask.
He opens his mouth to speak, and suddenly the music shuts off and a dark, menacing voice enters the room through the speaker.
“No names!” he growls. “You will address him as Master.”
That's not Andrew, either.
The man's eyes widen at the same time mine do. He seems both shocked and disgusted by this suggestion from our mysterious captor of what I should call him. But neither of us addresses this. We sit uncomfortably, pretending these words weren't spoken.
But then my co-captive speaks. “Let us out of here, you sick son of a bitch! I will fucking kill you!”
The only response is a chuckle. “Yes, put on a brave show for the girl, but in the end, you will both dance for me, my little monkeys.”
There’s a part of me that wants to go to the other guy in the cell, as if he can protect me from all of this.
The voice crackles over the speaker again. “I will feed you when you've fucked her.”