Page 45 of The Game Maker
Both men help me onto the bed. Declan guides me to straddle him. I know which of them is which by the way they touch me. I'm already wet, so hungry for the fucking I've been denied since my return as if I were being punished for playing their game the way they designed it.
He lets out a hiss of pleasure as I lower myself onto him. A mouth latches onto my breast and I know from the angles, that it's Declan's. He bites my nipple hard enough to elicit a cry from me, and his answering chuckle reverberates against my skin.
Seven is busy placing open-mouthed kisses against my throat. I'm still adjusting to Declan inside me. I'd forgotten how big he was. My body has had too much rest from them.
“Fuck me,” Declan orders.
I begin to move.
Seven is kissing my back, pressing a kiss against the small of it—something I had thought was only a Declan thing. I like it. It's strangely tender and intimate. A drawer opens and closes. And then a lubed toy is being worked inside my ass. Tears stream down my face. Not pain—relief that this is finally happening again.
“Shhhh, Kitten,” Seven says, misunderstanding the cause of my tears. He strokes my back as the toy slides in and out of me. Declan's fingers dig into my hips arching and thrusting upward.
Then the toy is gone, and it's Seven. I gasp when he pushes himself inside me. He grabs my throat and pulls me back against him. His mouth is at my ear.
“This is the best place my dick has ever been,” he growls, which sends another jolt of arousal between my legs.
One of Declan's hands leaves my hip as his thumb moves against my clit. I'm lost in a sea of darkness behind the blindfold unable to do anything but feel them both as they fill me, stretching me, claiming me in the most complete and carnal way I've ever experienced.
Now that the mask is off, Seven is the rougher lover. But the force with which he takes me only drives me higher and faster toward my peak.
Then, in the most unlikely of sexual lotteries, all three of us come at the same time. We are a symphonic mix of my whimpers and their animalistic growls. Seven pulls out of me, pushing me forward over Declan, spilling himself onto my back as my pussy clenches around and milks the rest of Declan's release, greedily sucking it inside me.
I rise off of Declan. He removes the blindfold and pulls me down to lie against his chest, stroking my hair. I expect that now all three of us will cuddle together in this bed. It feels like what should come next. But it isn't what comes next.
“You can have her in your bed tonight,” Seven says, getting dressed. Then he leaves the room without another word.
I stare after him, wondering if I've done something wrong, wondering if now that he's scratched these twin itches of punishment and fucking my ass if he finds it wasn't truly worth the wait after all. Is he bored now? Declan notices my distress.
“It's not you, Kate. He's got some business to take care of. It's fine.”
I nod, not feeling reassured.
Declan doesn't fuck me again tonight. Instead, he takes me up to his room on the third floor and pulls me into the shower with him. He silently washes me, and I wash him. It's intimate, but not sexual in the way one would expect. Then we lie down together in his bed. He pulls me into him—always and forever his little spoon. It's the first time I’m able to fully relax into this moment where we are wrapped in a tender embrace inside his bed. It's the first time I don't warn myself that it isn't real.
Months go by in this new normal. Declan was right, it wasn't me. Seven grows distant at times, but he always comes back to me, giving me that glimmer of the man I first knew.
Each morning passes much as any ordinary couple might pass it—except that it's three instead of two. Every day we have breakfast in a strangely comfortable silence at the kitchen table, they kiss me, and they leave. Then I go about my day.
I've gotten to know the names of most of the staff as they come and go. I still don't know what Seven and Declan do, though I'm certain it's some kind of organized crime. On the second day of our new arrangement, I learned they have security that goes well beyond electronic. Guards. And it's really a full-on security team. No wonder they weren't afraid I'd ask the staff for help. The guards stay outside and work in shifts. There are two security buildings, one at the front near the gate and one at the back end of the property.
That, combined with the occasional unsavory visitors who come to the house, retreating always to a private study to talk business with Seven, and it's not as though I need a diagram. Many of these men look at me with clear lust in their gaze, knowing exactly what I am to my masters, and also knowing they will never be allowed to touch me no matter what they did with the others.
I wonder what happened to the others? And did Seven and Declan start with the same game they did with me? Or did they go a different route? Did they use their money from the very beginning to simply buy what they wanted? Did they want my submission to come from a different place? After all, when they first offered me my freedom, I only took it because it seemed I didn't have the option to stay. And when I came back, I thought I was going back to the cell. So it wasn't for their money.
For the first few weeks, I used my outdoor kitty time to shop and take in some movies, and of course, the spa. But it got boring. I missed work. So I started working on setting up my own ad agency.
It's not a traditional agency. I don't have the necessary freedom to do that. I redid the penthouse to function as a place to meet clients. I'll only take a few at a time, and my availability is by appointment only. But it seems to be working out.
When I get home in the evenings, we eat. I've since learned that actually they do have a cook who comes in several days a week to prepare meals. Though they also like to cook part of the time and always for breakfast.
After dinner, things stop being quite so benign. They torment me endlessly with pleasure while demanding the same from me along with my absolute obedience. They use me in whatever way pleases them, but no matter what they do, my body always hungers for more. Sometimes I sleep in my own bed, but more often than not, I'm invited into either Declan's or Seven's bed for the night.
I look down at my phone to check the time and am filled with horror. It's almost six. I've never been late coming home. Will they think I ran? Will they come after me? I'm so scared of how they might punish me for this infraction that I can't think straight. I've come to trust over time that as fucked-up as they are, they really do seem to feel something for me and to not want to cause me actual harm.
At the same time, that doesn't stop the fact that they are terrifying, and I've disobeyed their orders. I try to think of an appropriate lie, even though I know I'm not a good liar and that will probably only make things worse.