Page 15 of The Veteran
She looks skeptical, but she doesn’t push it further.
“I’m so sorry, Harris,” she whispers. “I wanted to tell you so many times, but I… I was so scared.”
“It’s okay,” I say as I take her hand and stroke it with my thumb. She looks at me with a look of gratitude. “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
God, those lips… They’re even more luscious than I remembered.
“Can I… go talk to him?”
“Of course,” she says, nodding as her eyes fill with tears. “He hasn’t been able to stop talking about you all week.”
I have so many questions, but there will be time for those later. I have an adorable little kid to meet.
With a warmth radiating through my chest, I head over and sit beside my son on the couch.
My son.
“Chip?” he asks as he offers me the bag.
“Thanks,” I say as I take one. He takes one too and cheers mine with it.
What do you say to a five-year-old? I haven’t been around too many besides giving them a quick autograph and moving on.
“So, Lucas,” I say nervously. “Do you like hockey?”
“Not really,” he says. “I like magic.”
“Magic? Oh yeah? My dad likes magic too! That’s your grandfather.”
“I have another grandfather?”
“Yeah. And he would love to meet you. He did teach me one trick, want to see it?”
He perks up on the couch with a big smile that makes my heart melt. “Okay!”
He’s all giddy as I pull a quarter out of my pocket and start waving my hand around. “Keep your eye on it,” I say as I move my hands with a flourish. “Do you have it? Keep looking. Keep?—”
“Whoa!” he says when I make it disappear. “How did you do that? Where did it go?”
“Reach into the pocket on your shirt.”
Those beautiful brown eyes get larger behind his glasses. “No way!”
He reaches in and gasps in wonder when he pulls out another quarter. The first one is palmed in my hand. I slipped that one into his pocket when he was distracted with following my hand at the start of the trick.
“How did you do that?” he asks as he hands me the quarter back.
“You can keep it.”
“No way!” he says with his face lighting up. “My dad is the best!”
I can feel my cheeks getting all red as I smile.
I spend the next few minutes teaching him the trick and then he calls his mom over to attempt it on her.
I stand back and observe Fiona with him. She’s even more incredible than I remembered. She’s so sweet and caring with the boy, he’s lucky to have her.
A warm fluttering fills my chest as I watch them together. When Lucas drops the quarter from his hand and it bounces on the ground she encourages him to try again. I’m mesmerized by her.