Page 29 of The Veteran
Harris spots me when Lucas leaps onto his back with a war cry.
“Oops,” he says with a grimace. “Were we too loud?”
I shake my head as I smile at him. “It’s fine.”
“Good morning, Mommy!” Lucas says as he hangs from Harris’ thick muscular neck.
“Good morning, honey,” I say, feeling so happy I feel like I might start crying.
“There’s coffee in the pot,” Harris says, pointing to the little coffee maker by the sink. “And I ordered breakfast. It should be here soon. Lucas said you were a waffle with whipped cream kind of gal, so I got you that.”
I don’t even know what to say. I’m a single mom, so I’m used to doing everything. I’ve never had someone make the coffee in the morning or take care of breakfast.
What do I even do with myself?
I head over to the coffee pot and pour myself a mug. Lucas tackles Harris and brings the big man down. He’s so excited as he leaps on his dad.
My eyes get all watery as I watch. I’ve always wished this for Lucas, but I never thought it would happen.
Harris picks Lucas up and carries him upside down over his shoulder. Lucas is laughing so hard he’s got tears in his eyes.
My stomach sinks as I watch them approaching. I know Harris would never drop him, but I’m not used to seeing my only child hanging upside down six feet off the ground. I turn back to my coffee so I don’t have to look.
“Good morning,” Harris says in a sexy tone when he arrives.
“Good morning,” I whisper as I lick my lips and tilt my head up.
He leans down with a moan and kisses me. Lucas is hanging behind his back so he can’t see.
“Kiss your mother good morning,” he says as he turns around.
Lucas’ face appears with a huge adorable smile. I fix his glasses, kiss his cheek, and then his dad carries him away, and tosses him onto the bed. He laughs as he lands with a bounce.
Harris comes back over, looking hotter than ever. He’s wearing gray jogging pants, a white tank top, and of course, he still has that white ribbon tied around his forehead like a ninja.
“Are you okay?” he whispers.
I smile at him and nod.
“Go relax in bed with your coffee,” he says. “I’ll hang out with Lucas.”
This is wild. Normally, Lucas is begging me to do a craft or play a game before the sun has even risen and before the caffeine has entered my bloodstream.
It’s nice to have a partner helping out for a change. I’ve never had someone looking out for Lucas, let alone me.
“That sounds nice,” I say as I take my mug of coffee, “but I’d like to watch you guys if that’s okay. He’s having so much fun.”
I sit on the couch and watch my boys wrestle until the breakfast arrives.
We set it up on the table and eat like a real family.
“Can we stay here again tonight?” Lucas asks as he takes a big bite of his pancake.
“I have to fly back to San Antonio this morning,” Harris says sadly. “I have a hockey game tonight.”
“Another one?” Lucas asks with a frown.
“Your dad is a hockey player,” I tell him. “He has to play hockey a lot.”