Page 17 of Piece Of Me
“Maybe?” She wasn’t sure if Benton would be back with Nora, and she had no idea what Cal and Millie’s plans were.
“It will be fun,” Donna said. “Get a sitter and come.” She handed over her cell phone and Scarlett inputted her number. “I’ll add you to our group chat. We call ourselves Sexy Mamas.”
“I’ll think about it, but I can’t promise.” Scarlett got to her feet. “I’m so glad I ran into you guys. It’s been…” Throat suddenly tight she had to pause.
“We know,” Lacey said, giving her hug. She leaned close and whispered. “You need some adult time and there’s nothing wrong with wanting it. I hope we see you on Friday.”
Scarlett slowly made her way back to the truck. Hank was still sleeping and once she had him snug and secure in his car seat, she headed back to the ranch. A part of her felt guilty at the thought of leaving Hank for the night. Sure, she’d left him for a few hours in the past, but to leave him for an entire evening so that she could go out and have some fun didn’t seem right somehow. And yet, she couldn’t help but think it was something she needed. Not to forget she had a son, a little person she was responsible for, but to remember that she was young. To remember that she was a woman.
And so, when Friday rolled around, she spent the afternoon shaving areas that hadn’t been shaved in months, and painting fingers and toes that had been bare of color for even longer. She took a long shower and spent time on her hair and makeup. The purple was nearly washed out, and her natural dark hair shone in waves she left loose, while she’d done her eyes up with shadow, and even popped on some gloss.
Cal arrived just after she fed and bathed her son. She handed him over to her brother, who was happily taking him back to Millie’s for a sleepover. They’d jumped at the chance to have Hank overnight. He kissed the top of her head. “The Sundowner can get rowdy on a Friday night. Just so you know.”
“I’m a big girl, Cal. Besides, I’ll be traveling in a pack. I’ll be safe.”
“If you need anything, just give me a call.”
“I’m nearly twenty-six. I’ll be fine.”
Her brother stepped back; Hank tucked into his arm like a big football. “You’re a natural,” she said. “You’re going to be such a great father.”
The two of them stared at each other, for a moment remembering parts of their childhood, ones that hadn’t been easy.
“I’d say behave yourself, but the Scarlett I remember never did take to orders.”
“I’m not that girl anymore.” Did she sound wistful? Maybe.
“No,” he replied softly. “You’re a grown ass woman.” Cal stepped outside. “See you at brunch.”
She closed the door behind him and glanced at her watch. She had exactly twenty minutes to get dressed before she needed to head to town, and she had no idea what she was gong to wear. In the past this would be a problem because she was always late but tonight…
Scarlett was ready in ten.
Friday nights in Big Bend were busy. The locals kicked up their heels, while the tourists who’d come to play cowboy on nearby ranches that catered to that sort of thing joined them. During the school year there was football to entertain, and in the summer, there was recreational baseball which a lot of men took seriously. Reliving the glory days of years gone by was a big deal for some. Taz wasn’t interested in that. He wanted to talk about the Yankees, or the new turbo engine on the latest pickup truck. It gave him a break from Barbie and Paw Patrol.
He'd joined one of the teams a few years back when Mike Paul convinced him that needed to. The fact was, the team was terrible, and he was what they needed. As it was, since his mother insisted on taking the girls every Friday for a sleepover, he had one night a week to get up to no good. Usually, he hit up the Sundowner with the guys after their game and if he was seeing a lady, he’d spend the remainder of it at her place. Lately that particular lady had been Nikki Salter. They’d had some great times together, but he’d barely thought of her since last Saturday.
That was for a couple of reasons. Firstly, he’d had to head to Texas on family business and that had taken up entirely too much of his week. And secondly, a certain other lady had occupied his mind more than she should have. It was that second reason that had him reconsidering his acquaintance with Nikki. He didn’t feel right visiting a woman if he had another one on his mind.
And it was time. She’d been texting non-stop since noon and the last message pretty much sealed the deal. He glanced at his phone and frowned.
Where are you??????
You’re not messaging back
Did I do something wrong
Why are you not answering
Taz hesitated, trying to figure out the right answer.
There was no right answer. He sent a short text to let her know he’d just finished his ball game, and that he’d be stopping by afterward.
Within a few seconds she shot one back.