Page 33 of Piece Of Me
“Maybe we should take some time to get to know each other better before we move on to the inevitable.”
“That’s a cocky statement,” she replied dryly.
“Confidence is something I’ve never lacked.” He winked. “At least that’s what my mama tells me.” He lifted his chin. “Let’s play a game. You ask me one question and then it’s my turn. Everything is on the table. No subject is off limits.”
Scarlett considered this for few seconds and before she could stop herself, all but blurted. “Have you ever been in a serious relationship?”
“How long did it last?”
“That’s two questions, but I’m feeling generous. Two years.”
“Why did it end?”
Taz shook his head. “My turn.”
Her heart rate spiked and she watched him closely, afraid of what he was going to ask, but wanting to hear it, because whatever this was going on between them had her fired up but good.
“I think I’ll ease into this,” she said with a grin.
“Don’t go soft on me now, Pullman.”
He laughed, a rich sound that made her smile in return. “Who was your first kiss?”
“Robbie Davis at the football field on a Friday night when I was fifteen.” She paused. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”
Taz leaned forward. “Thirteen. What about you?”
“Seventeen.” She pursed her lips. “Was she older or younger than you?”
“How much older?”
He shook his head slowly. “You don’t play by the rules, do you Peaches?” A pause. “Seventeen.”
“That’s a big age difference.”
“What can I say, puberty hit me early. What’s your favorite movie,” he asked.
She didn’t have to think about that one. “All the Harry Potters.”
“All of them?” His eyebrow shot up.
She nodded. “With special emphasis on the last one. Snape damn near broke my heart. You?”
“Back to the Future.”
“Not surprised.”
“No?” Again, his laugh warmed everything. “When is the last time you were with a man?”
And just like that the game changed. The air between them practically sizzled with heat. With desire and need and a bit of sadness. She shifted her gaze, wondering what she should say, but then decided to play by the rules and be honest.
“The last time was somewhere in Ireland.” She looked at him, more curious than she cared to be. “Have you ever been in love?”
“No.” He didn’t hesitate. “I mean, there was this woman, Rachel, and I thought I was in love, but she was just filler. Someone to occupy an empty spot. A body to warm my bed. At the end we both felt the same.”