Page 37 of Piece Of Me
“You’re perfect.” Taz held her gaze. He wanted her to know he meant it. Then he glanced down. “I can’t lie though. I miss your pink slippers.”
She laughed, and her eyes never wavered from his. God, the things this woman did to him without trying. At this rate they were never going to leave this house.
“I smell cookies.”
“Baked ’em just for you.”
“Look at you all fancy in the kitchen. I can boil eggs and make instant noodles and that’s about it.”
“Yeah? You live on eggs and noodles?”
“We’re lucky enough to have Rose and she leaves prepared meals, but Benton knows his way around the kitchen in a pinch.”
“Today I’ve rustled us up some good eats.” He lifted his chin. “You ready?”
Taz grabbed the basket off the counter and followed Scarlett outside. He pointed to the barns. “I just have to make a stop.” The two of them walked over and he waved at Rich, one of the full-time ranch hands. A drifter and a drunk who’d followed the rodeo circuit, he was a man on the back end of fifty, and one Taz had gotten to know while bull riding. The man had demons he needed to fight and when Taz had gotten the call about his sister’s accident that night nearly four years ago, Rich had come back to Montana with him. He'd never left. He’d gotten clean and now Taz relied on him to overlook things when he was busy raising the girls, or like today, busy getting to know Scarlett.
“Ma’am.” Rich tipped his hat, the lines on his face dug in deep from years in the sun.
“This is Scarlett,” Taz said. “We’re heading out for a couple of hours.”
“I’m guessing that’s why you had me hitch up Van and Halen to the wagon.”
“That would be the reason.”
A small smile appeared on Rich’s face, and Taz knew he’d be asking questions when he got the chance.
“Mike Paul says the heifer is close so you might want to keep an eye on her, and Angel is bringing out two more work horses.”
“Where are these ones from?” Rich asked.
“Pennsylvania. They’ll need to be quarantined.”
“I’ll get the stall in the other barn ready for them.”
“Thanks. Where’s the wagon?”
Rich pointed to the barn. “Inside and ready to go.” A pause. “Have a good afternoon, boss.”
Taz caught the underlying tease in Rich’s voice and winked. “I plan on it.” He turned to Scarlett. “You ready?”
“Yes.” She smiled at Rich. “Nice to meet you.”
“Please call me Scarlett. Ma’am makes me sound like an old maid.”
“Pardon me for saying, but you’re the opposite of an old maid.”
She laughed at that. “Good to know.”
Taz shepherded her into the barn and got her set up in the wagon. Hank was still snoozing and as they made their way down the path that led to the river, Taz finally relaxed.
“This is not what I expected,” she said.
“I like to be unpredictable.”
“I can see that. Where are we headed?”